I scratched the 25th Amendment deal since it may not cover all that may happen to PedoJoe like an old school Soviet-Style retirement by people of his own party. No matter the road that will probably be taken, the event that has to take place is the swearing in of the VP to become POTUS.

Still figuring out prizes, we already have somebody offering 5 boxes of ammo and I hope somebody else adds something just to make it tastier.

So, here is goes: Send me an email to miguel AT gunfreezone DOT net. Subject Presidential Blog Pool and give me your two date guesses as when Kamala may be sworn in. The closest one wins the prize(s). Last possible entry allowed will be December 31st, 2021.  If he is not removed by then, we start a new one. (And I understand the 22nd Amendment thing, but let’s just start with this year, please?)

If two people choose the same day and win, the price will be split. I hope that won’t be an issue and you can always change the date.

I’ll have a page up soon on the sidebar with the entries you you can check.

The page is up and you can see the link in the sidebar. I will update as necessary to avoid conflicting dates. 

Neither me nor J Kb can participate. Not sure about the wives, at least mine is scary.

I do not believe PedoJoe will make see a Christmas in the White House as president.


And somebody already picked today!

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Blog Pool: The Date that Kamala is sworn in as President. UPDATED”
  1. Way too early for your latest date. They have to wait two years so the Kamel can run for two complete terms of her own.

  2. Ive been saying since day one, it is an attempt at a 10yr moonshot for kamala. Biden will last somewhere very close to exactly two years or a say or two over.

  3. My assumption has been that Zombie Joe Brainsniff would, like the Black Adder, get to be King for thirty seconds.
    More realistically… there’s no urgency to removing him. As long as his autopen is capable of signing executive orders, there’s no need for Joe to be capable of doing anything himself, including breathing.
    Cartagia Harris will be formally crowned Empress when it suits her masters. Most likely, when they have need of the much greater distraction she can present. Whether that comes before or after the midterm elections is a matter of conjecture.

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