I mentioned this book before, and I just finally was able to finish it

The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact with Hitler is a book that will piss you off and at the same time, will not surprise you in the light of current events. It seems the Nazis were the original Cancel Culture and  exercised power enough to change movie scripts, make Hollywood edit  already finished productions because it may affect the sensibilities of the German people.  Oscar winning movies like All Quiet on the Western Front were actual shells of the original movie before it was gutted under the demand of the Nazis.   Why? Germany was the top consumer of Hollywood films outside the US and the Hollywood machine did not want to lose that income. It was so bad that there was an actual member of the Nazi government dedicated to go to the studios and push the studios to do as the Nazi Party censors wanted

Was a Jew the star or main character of a movie? Verbotten!  Jews who worked in the film received no credit least have the movie prohibited from exhibition in Germany  And it that was not enough, the Nazis “convinced” Hollywood magnates to have a say so in the approval of scripts before thy made it to pre-production. If something was amiss, a correction was demanded under the threat of banning movies from a studio to be banned forever in the Reich. But that was snot enough: Studios were told to get rid of the Jews working for them, first in in their Germany offices and then in most Europe. The studios complied. Jews were not acceptable to any product that might end up in front of the German people this they were cancelled.

Sounds recently familiar?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Book Review: The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact with Hitler.”
  1. It’s not just the money, it’s the ideological support.

    Many in Hollywood supported Charles Lindbergh over FDR and thought that we should align ourselves with the progressive and orderly Germans over the British.

  2. Up until the 1940’s, it seems like there was a very Southern and Klan Friendly sect in Hollywood. Don’t forget the first big feature movie was “Birth of a Nation.” The cowboy movies John Ford directed seemed to always have a sympathetic Southern Officer and Gentleman as one of the minor characters.

    Now Communist China calls the tune, remember when they changed ALL the bad guys in “Red Dawn” remake at post-production from Chinese to North Korean?

    1. This were deals at the highest level, directly with the studio owners like Louis B Meyer and their representatives. Directors, producers, writers did not count or had a say-so, they were little people that could and were removed from the production if the Nazis deemed unsuitable for the “German sensitivities”.

      In te movie “The Life of Emile Zola” which has included the trial of Capt. Alfred Dreyfus in France, scapegoated by the French Army because he was Jew, there are but one passing reference at his religion in the movie after all others were edited out by “strong suggestions” from the Nazi rep in Los Angeles.

    2. This were deals at the highest level, directly with the studio owners like Louis B Meyer and their representatives. Directors, producers, writers did not count or had a say-so, they were little people that could and were removed from the production if the Nazis deemed unsuitable for the “German sensitivities”.

      In te movie “The Life of Emile Zola” which has included the trial of Capt. Alfred Dreyfus in France, scapegoated by the French Army because he was Jew, there are but one passing reference at his religion in the movie after all others were edited out by “strong suggestions” from the Nazi rep in Los Angeles.

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