Initial thought is to happen at the  Manatee Gun and Archery Club in Myakka City, FL.  Time to be determined if enough folks are interested.  My guess is it will happen in a Saturday or Sunday.

I checked with Google Maps and it is a three and a half hour trip from Miami Dade so it is doable in a decent vehicle, just not my truck.  I don’t trust it farther than 10 miles away from the house.

I am going to talk to the missus and see if she is interested in going. For some reason, I don’t enjoy road trips without her at my side.  I might end up renting some fancy SUV and showing up in style.

You guys start thinking about it and remember, Florida has lifted effing COVID restrictions.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Borepatch is thinking about a Blogshot”
  1. Haven’t been to this range in years. Are the back to normal day-to-day business?

    Reason I ask is because of the internal political kerfuffle that turned it from one of the best outdoor ranges into pile of crap, and the main reason I have not gone back in years.

  2. I should get together with Pkoning (I think that’s who it is up in NH) to share a ride down to attend. Only problem I can see is I’m not sure my vehicle nor his is big enough to carry all the firearms and ammo we’d be bringing.

    Divemedic was making a road trip, his load out was better than mine, but I’ll bring a heck of a lot more ammo.

    1. Yes, I’m in NH, but I don’t care much for traveling and certainly not as far as FL. Too bad, it sounds like a fun event.

  3. It would be awesome if you and the Missus came.

    MiniMe, it looks well organized and there are usually a bunch of folks there on weekends. That said, I’ve only been going a couple times.

    1. So it sounds like the internal kerfuffle is gone & done. Hopefully for good. 🙂

      Used to go every few months so it sounds like it is time to start going again.
      Hope the old RSO’s are still there. They were strict but fair.

  4. They -had- camping allowed there as well (couple of years back) It’s also one of the longest ranges available where you can shoot .50 BMG and such… .338 Lapua Mag and some of the otherwise ‘cain’t shewt’ rounds that’re too heavy/powerfull for most ranges… I’ve been there numerous times! Would love to meet up, preferably BEFORE the upcoming election

  5. I was wondering what range it was going to be at.

    This is the same range that r/FLguns and I think that the Keltec Owners group have used for their shoots.

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