From Fox News 9 minutes before posting:

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87

May her memory be a blessing.

*Remember: we are Conservatives.  We are respectful of those who have died even though they are on the other side of the political aisle from us.  

Trump and the Senate Republicans are going to be under extreme pressure to appoint a new justice before the election just in case Trump loses.

The Democrats are going to fight that tooth, nail, and maybe with guns and bombs.

Whatever October surprise the Dems had coming doing the pipe is nothing compared to this.


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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Brace for impact, the sh*t has hit the fan”
  1. Remember the Mitch McConnel statement about replacing Scalia in 2016. Interesting to see if he sticks to that or does what is in the best interests of the nation.

    1. In 2016 McConnell was talking about a situation when the senate was controlled by the opposite party from the president. Why waste everyone’s time when Graland was going into lose the vote anyway.

    2. Remember how the Democrats claimed there was no such thing as the Biden rule in 2016 when McConnel used it? I bet there is a lot of forgetting on both sides of the aisle in the next month.

  2. The only question that matters: Can McConnell hold enough Republicans to confirm a conservative nominee? If he can’t, this WILL be the issue of the campaign. The Dems will cry foul and bring up Merrick Garland. Either way the charlie foxtrot over Kavanaugh will look like a frat party.

    P.S. Dems are panic buying duct tape to keep their heads from exploding.

  3. Trump should be a total asshole and say he is thinking about Kamala replacing Gingsburg and just stand back and see people losing their collective shits.

  4. So it just occurred to me- whether or not Ginsberg is replaced before the election, this will still have a major effect in the coming months. This election is sure to see a legal challenge to the validity of the election.

    The Court currently has four conservative members Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh,
    plus one wildcard in Roberts,
    and three liberal members: Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan

    Even without Ginsberg’s replacement, the Dems are in trouble in any case coming before SCOTUS to settle the election.

    If the Republicans are successful in replacing her before the election, this would make the 2016 election of Trump the most influential one on SCOTUS since Reagan and place the court firmly in the hands of the conservative wing

    1. Roberts will not side with trump in a contested election.

      Whatever it is that they have on Roberts, they will most certainly be paying him a visit to remind him.

      1. He will HAVE to side with Trump if the Republicans can’t nominate someone before the election. Here is why:

        The election will almost certainly be contested in court, and will likely wind up in front of SCOTUS. Roberts will be faced with only two choices:
        1 Vote with the Democrats. This will leave the vote at 4-4. This will mean that the lower court decision- whatever it is- will stand. This means that Roberts will go down in history as the Chief Justice who punted on a SCOTUS case that decided a presidential election. That will destroy the legacy of the Roberts court. He will be remembered to history as an ineffectual Chief Justice.

        2 Vote with the only majority that he can- and the case goes 5-3.

        The Biden candidacy died last night, right there in bed with RBG.

  5. Forget civil. Feed the remains through a wood chipper and into a burn barrel before she can reanimate again.

  6. To be honest I thought she would be alive at least for most of 2021.

    Trump MUST get someone before January if he loses. Even if he wins if the Dems take the Senate we will have a 8 seat SCOTUS until 2025 at the earliest. Maybe 7.

    But no matter what happens the Supreme Court will always be of the opinion that all gun ownership should be banned and the best thing for the country in that regard is the mandated extermination of literally every single solitary gun owner, their families as well as the extermination of literally every single solitary United States citizen that opposes the extermination of all gun owners even if it means Literally nuclear carpet bombing the country and effort to exterminate all human life minus themselves, the far left and illegals.

  7. I think I called this in a comment here the last time she was in the hospital. With as many recurrences and other so-called minor things she has had, I’ve seen this movie before (far too many times) and I know how it ends.

    Unlike the movie unfolding now. I wonder how many Trump supporters would abandon him, even if “just” not voting, if he doesn’t put up a good, solid, nominee? It has been argued that the only reason he’s president now is that list of nominees he released before the ’16 election, and now include how well he has done that.

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