After the disastrous vigil turned anti-gun rally regarding the Colorado STEM School shooting, the Brady Campaign issued an apology.
Gun control org @bradybuzz apologizes for #STEMshooting vigil. Students walked out saying their grief was being politicized. "We are deeply sorry any part of this vigil did not provide the support, caring & sense of community we sought to foster and facilitate" #9NEWS #copolitics
— Kyle Clark (@KyleClark) May 9, 2019
This apology is utter bullshit. Brady has a long history of dancing in the blood of victims. It had no intention of honoring the victims of the STEM Shooting, they just assumed after the Parkland kids became media darlings and cultural icons (if so very briefly), that the STEM School kids would do the same.
That backfired massively.
A more honest statement from Brady would be:
We at Brady are disappointed with what happened with our select Parkland victims. Emma Gonzales has pretty much dropped out of sight and David Hogg has turned into a total tool on Twitter and just off-putting to anybody who isn’t on our side already. We were hoping to recruit some more disposable fame whores who could cry on camera for us for six months in exchange for a free ride to Harvard. We don’t know why these kids reacted so differently in not wanting to become celebrity activists. We’re sorry for overplaying our hand here. We’re going to lay low until the next school shooting, by which time our fuck up here will be forgotten about.
Yep, sadly they weren’t the ONLY ones dancing in the blood… Damn politicians…
The kids did good… but part of me wishes they would have tarred, feathered, and run the damn carpetbaggers out on a rail.