AUSTIN (AP/KXAN) — Gov. Greg Abbott visited a gun range Friday to sign a law reducing Texas’ fees for licenses to carry handguns to the lowest in the nation. According to the Texas Tribune, the governor then joked, “I’m gonna carry this around in case I see any reporters,” while holding his bullet-ridden target sheet. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence posted to their Facebook page, “The governor of Texas made a dangerous and out of line joke. We’ve seen time and time again these type of words insight [sic] violence. Words matter. #ENOUGH.” The governor’s office has not responded to a request for comment.

Source: Brady Campaign condemns Gov. Abbott’s joke about guns and reporters |

Tell you what, the Brady Campaign should come up with some shirts printed with Gun Free Zone signs and “DO NOT SHOT!” to give journalists for free.

It has been all about the media lately, hasn’t it.

And contrary to what they are trying to say, we are very respectful to the First Amendment and very respectful toward Journalists. And I can promise will show the proper  respect and admiration whenever the first Journalist ever appears somewhere. We shall not extend the same respect to the Public Relations Associates that work in Newspapers, TV Stations newscasts and other “informational” outlets.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Brady Campaign condemns “threats” from the Governor of Texas.”
  1. It’s well known Democrats cannot take a joke anymore. And that’s what it is. Everything in anything is racist. Everything in anything is violent. Except when they do it.

  2. The Brady Bunch is pretty bad at English also.
    The word is “incite”, not “insight”.
    Oh, wait. They’re Democrats. That explains it!

  3. And liberals everywhere are cutting off the head of effigys of trump and all you hear is crickets. Im sick and tired of this double standard bullshit

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