It is now official: The Zombie Craze has jumped the shark clear across the Australian Grand Barrier Reef:
That post is layers and layers of stupid compressed in one neat package. I cannot wait till they find the Zombie Ammo by Hornady.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
It is now official: The Zombie Craze has jumped the shark clear across the Australian Grand Barrier Reef:
That post is layers and layers of stupid compressed in one neat package. I cannot wait till they find the Zombie Ammo by Hornady.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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[…] CSGV is lambasting it as serious. You know, I think if you put these folks in a dourness contest with a bunch of Puritans from early New England, the Puritans would have some pretty stiff competition. […]
They will just cream themselves thinking of the stupidity they can put on their page about Hornady…
All they have to do is cut and paste half the stuff said by gunbloggers themselves. And this is coming from someone with “Zombie” in his blog name.
*sniff* they’ve got no sense of humor or any OTHER kind of sense either.
So, the anti-gunners see us shooting at mindless shambling monsters who eat the brains of normal people and which side do they identify with?
Yeah, I’m not surprised either.
Wow. Someone needs to inform them that anything written by “The Onion” is a bit on the satirical side. Seriously, though, they think the whole “zombie preparedness team” thing is for real? Seriously??? So…no common sense, and no sense of humor, either. Guess they really are senseless.
Wait until they discover the Zombie Squad.
On the drive home the other day, I was behind an “official zombie outbreak response vehicle”.
I felt a great disturbance, as if millions of voices suddenly sighed in disappointment and were suddenly followed by numerous claps to the head.
^^^This comment is nothing but pure, 100% unfiltered WIN!
[…] quite happy the zombie meme has anti-gunners crapping their panties. It’s useful […]
It’s not just the Gun community that’s in on it…. the freakin’ CDC has a Zombie Preparedness Page
Finally! My tax dollars at work for something USEFUL!
[…] CSGV’s current decent into PSH over the zombie meme(link safe), I seriously will put them on my truck once I get my hands on some. Similar ContentAn […]