This Tweet:

This is a broken person.  My wife and I have political disagreements.  If she decided to vote for Biden, I wouldn’t leave her.  I love her.  She is my wife and I made a commitment to her.

The sad thing is just how many people in this woman’s feed affirmed her putting politics over her marriage.

I’d give anything to have one more conversation with my dad and this woman threw hers away because he is a Trump supporter.

Why do I get the feeling that Danielle here is the hateful one, projecting her feelings onto the rest of her family?

These people are broken.

Then there is this poor girl, who has taken the hysterical woman screaming in her car video trend to a new zenith.

Seeing a pro-life billboard has caused her to have suicical ideation.

She is broken.

If it weren’t for the fact that these people could do us real harm if they get power, this would just be sad.

But if they win and they their way, they could cause us real suffering, because they want revenge for what they believe we put them through.

(Which was really only inside their heads the whole time.)



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By J. Kb

26 thoughts on “Broken people”
  1. And, divorcing because “TRUMP!” ?

    (A) He lives in their heads.

    (B) I wonder if, in the end, they are doing their spouses s favor?

    (C) are all these folks psycho chicks? I wonder what that tells us?

  2. I especially am entertained whenever I see someone say that “love Trumps hate” or “hate doesn’t have a home here” spewing the most hateful, vile sentiment, all because of politics.

  3. When you find emotionally and psychologically unstable people shrieking about something, it is almost always women. Repeal the 19th.

    1. Why are leftist women so convinced men are trash? Because they hang around leftist “men”, who *ARE* trash.

  4. I admit it’s a little heartbreaking to watch this sort of behavior. Families wrecked because people couldn’t put aside their politics.

    As Divemedic notes, so much for ‘love trumps hate’.

  5. There are all sorts of bumper stickers or signs that convey what seem to be worthy sentiments, like “love trumps hate” or “vote for your grandchildren” or “I believe in science”. But unfortunately it seems these are always displayed by leftists, apparently in the belief that only a leftist is capable of having these worthy sentiments. So the underlying message isn’t “let’s all be good people” but rather the familiar Obama position “if you don’t agree with my politics you’re an evil person”.

    On the main topic, these people are indeed better off divorced. But perhaps they might benefit from considering the example of James Carville and Mary Matalin, one a far left Democrat campaigner, the other a Republican one — married now 27 years. Wikipedia says “Both Matalin and Carville have gone on record saying that they do not talk politics at home.”

  6. “I’ve actually had to cut relatives out of my life entirely bc of their cultist loyalty to Trump.”

    One of the defining characteristics of a cult is cutting off from friends and family who don’t accept your beliefs. The irony is lost on them.

  7. Back in per-historic times when I was at University I had a date with a woman, a live concert, dinner home to talk with a probability of a very pleasant night. But somewhere before we got to the pleasant part she brought up that topic of “Well you just have to vote for Mondale. Ferraro is his running mate and a woman!

    At the point where I started asking what they would actually do for the country and why it made any difference that his running mate was a woman all possibilities of “pleasant” night left the building.

    We stayed friends, but I refused to talk politics with her.

    The thing I’ve noticed is that so many of these shrill people go to the point where “If you aren’t voting for the person that I want you to vote for, you are a bad person!”

    My vote doesn’t make me a bad person. If I were to vote for Bidden you all would laugh at me for being stupid or not supporting the 2nd amendment. But you wouldn’t claim it mad me a bad person.

    For those leftist, NOT voting for Bidden makes you bad and evil. And if you are evil in politics, you must be evil in your personal life.

    I know neighbors that don’t vote at all. Good, that means they aren’t voting for Bidden. I know neighbors that are going to vote for Bidden. They are unhappy here because the people of the town keep voting to not do public improvements because “it’s not required” and “We don’t want to raise taxes”. They are totally removed from the fact that having a sidewalk extended to their house will coast the town thousands of dollars and nobody else wants it. I known how they will vote because their yard is a political advertisement for Bidden.

    I suspect that some of my neighbors are going to vote for Trump. There are no Trump signs in yards. They don’t last long enough to bother buying them.

    Regardless of how my neighbors vote, they are not evil because of how they vote. They might be evil because of how they act, but that is it.

    1. I had a Rabbi outside of Chicago who said during Sabbath service that it was a mitzvah to vote for Obama.

      I don’t remember that as being one of the 613 from the Talmud.

      It was hard to go back to synagogue after that and it was the only one in our area.

      1. Mine was when the Minister preached from “Dreams of My Father”. I don’t remember that being one of the books of the bible.

      2. Shalom Aleichem! And Gmar Chatima Tova.

        My Rabbi is overall a decent guy, I think, but a screaming SJW. Unfortunately, like your situation, it’s closest shul by a significant margin (and some of the others are reform, so they almost don’t count).

        I’d LIKE to switch us to the local Chabad but my wife isn’t Jewish (long story) though our kids are, having been converted by mikveh. But whenever I push to even consider it, I get pushback.

        Anyway, he’s used his position to advocate for SJW things. Retch.

        I keep getting asked by conservative friends how Jews can keep voting “D”. I wish I had an answer.

      3. Even though I’m a goy, I’d like some day to hear a service conducted by Rabbi Dovid Bendory. He’s the spiritual advisor of the JPFO. His blog articles are quite enjoyable reading.
        Come to think of it, I suspect that the rabbi in Zelman & Smith’s novel “The Mitzvah” (highly recommended) was modeled after him.

  8. Besides all of these tweets/freakouts being examples of how broken they are, the simple fact of discussing their relationships in public to random people is a problem.

  9. “It is very sad how divided this administration has made the USA.”

    Gee. Which side of the political aisle is doing the dividing? While I am sure there are a few conservative folks that have stopped talking to their liberal friends, overwhelmingly it is the liberals that are choosing to cut off relationships over politics. These tweets are just a handful of examples.

    1. It’s very simple: if your opinions are anathema to the leftists and make them upset and angry, you are guilty of being ‘divisive”. The only remedy is to adjust your positions to make them more acceptable to the left. When the left brings up policies that enrage and upset other people, like gun bans, white hatred, evil racist police, the inherent evil wickedness of the United States, they are just being RIGHT, and YOU are bad and evil and immoral if you dare to object. Obviously they cannot be expected to drop their beloved dogma just to appease a bunch of racist hicks and rubes and rich capitalists. The conservatives are divisive because they insist on being wrong; the left is just always right.
      See, the left is used to conservatives who kowtow to them and hurry to appease them when they get shrill, so they can’t deal with Trump being so stubborn and refusing to conform to their demands.
      A Democrat who refuses to compromise is just Doing The Right Thing, refusing to let the evil lobbyists and capitalists turn them from the Path of Virtue. A Conservative who refuses to compromise is just divisive and wicked. The media always sides with the left, so most people only ever hear this version of the story.
      And it’s funny how they bitch about Trump’s “cult” who defends everything he does, but what else to they expect when they’ve been in full assault mode and trying to destroy Trump since before he was elected? Who is going to be reasonable when giving them the slightest admission of fault is going to be taken as an admission that the left is totally correct and that Trump is evil, racist, awful, horrible, sexist, stupid, incompetent, a traitor, and whatever else they’ve cooked up? If they were to just lay off him a bit they’d probably find more people willing to admit his faults. But he’s the only candidate we have, and so of course, no, no one is going to give an inch, not until he’s safely reelected anyway.

  10. The really sad thing is that if they got the revolution they say they want, almost every single one of them would wind up lined up against the wall, wondering to the last why their own people are about to shoot them.

    Happens every time. These emotional kooks are useless, even to the Communist party.

  11. Just abthwr part of the same feedback loop.

    Im slightly depressed, crazy, opinionated, cant take objective criticism or challenging of my beliefs and ideads, and slightly intolerable to be around.

    So I get challenged and purge the outermost layer of challengers and potential challengers and simultaneously become more depressed, crazy, strngly opinionated etc. Rinse, repaeat and continue to wonder why im depressed, have no friends, and cant get anyone to interact with me outside of anons online and the people behind the till.

    Its just a self perpetuating feedback loop that slowly drives people more extreme and they lack the tools to get put of their own heads and examine themself from a 3rd party pont of view or actually understand someone elses dissenting position as if it were their own.

    Its the same exact thing with incels.

  12. I wonder how many of them would have no problem personally murdering their relatives because they support trump? After all to them Trump supporters are not human and in need of extermination.

    It almost reminds me of my own mother. She watches MSNBC literally 9-10 hours a day And believes everything they say without question. I view her watching that the same way as a meth addict. She psychologically needs the confirmation bias. She cannot stand that I am a Trump supporter. She’ll scream and yell at me. I can’t argue with her because facts and logic do not work on mind like that. If I’m with her she’ll max out the volume on the TV so I have to listen to it. She does it to piss me off. I suspect the only reason she hasn’t disowned me is because she needs my financial support (I give her almost $1000 every month because she’s on fixed income Social Security) and she can barely walk on her own anymore. She has almost no strength in her body and I’m with her almost on a daily basis. Basically she’s using me for physical labor and money and because she’s so weak she does not have any alternative. She’s too damn old and stubborn to go to a home. And I won’t put her in one because I’ve had two people I know their mother was murdered in one. Another raped. I don’t trust those places.

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