FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) – Broward’s top cop wants to stay that way.

Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony announced Monday that he will be in the running for the sheriff’s job during next year’s election.

The announcement came less than two weeks after the state’s Senate voted to formally remove former Broward Sheriff Scott Israel from office.

Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony Will Run Next Year To Remain County’s Top Cop


At least Scott Israel will not run unopposed. As for our cause, the are both Anti Gun so it is a question of who is less of a dick.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony throws hat in the ring”
    1. Firehand – glad to see that I’m not the only who has an ‘issue’ with the over inflation of stars. After all, THREE stars were good enough for both Lee and Grant……………

  1. I don’t mean to make fun of people but that guys head is WAAAAY bigger than it needs to be. His tiny eyes and mouth look lost on that cranium. I also don’t get why sheriffs and whatnot always try and make their uniforms military looking.

  2. I don’t know Gregory Tony from Adam, so I have no idea if he’s a decent Sheriff or not.

    But if they’re equally anti-gun, you could make the case that Broward County is better off voting Scott Israel back into office.

    I for one would rather have an incompetent anti-gunner over a competent one any day.

    1. If anything, Israel being re-elected for Sheriff would be proof positive (not like we need more) that Broward County is the fiefdom of Debbie Wasserman Schulz and the Democrats.
      The only high officer that has seen any punishment has been Israel and only because it was within the power of the Governor to remove him. Nobody else in the long conga line of fuck ups that led to the Parkland shooting has been punished or even censored.

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