With the collapse of the Venezuelan economy and their inability to profit off oil, the government of Venezuela wants to try and save the country with tourism.

I love this idea.

Alright Miguel, let’s pair up on this one. 

We need a bus down there.  I’ll work on recruiting tours of woke, progessive college kids to take them on “ecologically friendly, culturally immersive tours of the socialist paradise of Venezuela.”

They can pick their food out of garbage dumps.  We’ll let criminals rob them of all their first world belongings, we’ll ration toilet paper.   Give them a real socialism experience.

Send them back 10 days later at the end of spring break with nothing but a tropical disease.

Of course we’ll charge their parents $10,000 a head. 

What to you say Miguel?  You in?

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Business venture in Venezuela”
  1. You are being too nice. Me? I’d tell them to dress and prepare like any day in the US and then drop them off at Bolivar Square, downtown Caracas. The challenge, stay there for four hours and manage to be picked back up unscathed.

    With the smartphones alone I can predict at least 4 stab wounds. Sport shoes? Damn… you don’t wanna know. If the contestants have a vagina…. Ay mami!

  2. You need to play the other angle too. Set up a business deal with the, uh. . . unofficial leaders. . . of a given area to buss the free goods into their district. Perhaps a small cash finders fee and a guarantee of safe passage for the bus driver an tour guide (as well as the buss itself). You may also need a stipulation that all the tourists need to actually make it back to the bus at the end of the trip too (Just the person mind you!), if only so that the knowledge of the trip can spread by word of mouth.

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