Folks, if you’re going to challenge laws, hire a competent attorney. The rest of us have to live with the decisions of judges when you challenge the law without a workable plan and without the necessary skills, so please, don’t do it.
via New Ruling in Pennsylvania on Reciprocity and Second Amendment | Shall Not Be Questioned.
For those who keep screaming “It is my right and Fuck You” never forget that we are still one bad court presentation away from setting us back a decade.
Just great.
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“…never forget that we are still one bad court presentation away from setting us back a decade.”
True, but pointless advice. The “my right and Fuck You” folks are every bit as intransigent as the witless, whinging anti-gunners. I think you could call them the ‘Joan Petersons’ of the gun culture.
Good point. While I viscerally agree with the “It’s my right and F*ck You!” crowd and appreciate their enthusiasm, here in this place called “Reality” their intolerance of others’ points-of-view is just as toxic as a hardcore anti-gunner’s. It poisons the well for the rest of us who must engage the antis on civil terms.
Plus, it feeds the perception that all gun owners/enthusiasts are backward, stubborn, closed-minded, violent imbeciles. That also does nothing to help our cause, and like it or not we cannot afford to have the undecideds and don’t-cares of the world see us that way.
At the end of the day, this is all one big PR campaign. Sometimes it’s waged in the public eye, and sometimes in a courtroom, but either way if we come off as unreasonable – or worse, dangerously intolerant – we lose.
He’s trying to set us back not 10 years but 164… before any statute whatsoever regulated the carry of firearms in Pennsylvania. Bliss did it in Kentucky in 1822. Rosenthal did it in Vermont in 1903. So why not McKown in 2013? Bliss and Rosenthal were criminal cases, too, and they were both convicted until the higest courts of their states rendered the right to bear arms, under their state constitutions, virtually absolute. Hobson is onlu now about to make it to the Pa. Supreme Court. Both Vermont and Kentucky, at the time, stole Pa. Declaration of Rights provisions, including the right to bear arms, a provision we have left unchanged since 1776. Two other states have already ruled on the unconstitutionality of concealed carry statue, and have found the absolute right to bear arms. Why shouldn’t Pennsylvania find that itself?
Because you cannot fight with muskets in a war where the other side has machine guns and air support.
I am amazed that people do not realize the amount of work that Heller entailed. It took close to THIRTY years to prep for the case.
As in any battle, when you attack, you do so in an overwhelming manner as not to give your enemy a respite. Flying legally by the seat of your pants guarantees you a not-so-nice crash and burn.
The road to hell and all that…. cute but non-applicable