Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone now has its own subredit and I went over there to check it out.

Oh Sweet Lady Gardenia of the Holy Radishes. They are planning on feeding people with this:

Besides the meager amount of plants, I want to direct your attention to the “planting” method. From what I can see, they spread carboard a top of the lawn, poured a thin layer of planting soil on top of the cardboard and then “planted” the poor green things.

Contrary to recycling gossip, paper products just do not decompose easily in the soil nor give nutrients. The proper way is to remove the lawn, till the soil, mix it with some fresh planting soil  and then dig holes where plants will be placed and the frigging roots have a chance to grow! And the soil looks kinda dry too.

Listen up people! these are the people that will lead us into the Socialist Nirvana!

God Help Us all,


Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone: Revolutionary Horticulture”
  1. As a Master Gardener, I’m horrified – those poor plants. Plant lives matter! As a normie – I’m laughing.

    I use paper bags under mulch in established shrubbery beds, and I use cardboard under mulch (for the aesthetics) as paths between rows of veggies. The use of the paper / cardboard reduces weeds, and IMO is better than a plastic underlayment.

    I’d love to see a follow-up photo a month from now of this soon-to-be bare patch of earth.

    1. Yeah, we use newspaper in our garden to keep the weeds under control. It has its uses, but what they’re doing here is silly. They likely don’t have the proper tools to till the soil, even if they knew how.

  2. The cardboard won’t breakdown, and the plants won’t grow without water. Besides, there’s not enough there for one person to live off, let alone a “community”.

  3. It’ll rain soon and all that will wash away. You’d think some of them would know how to read, but noooo…that’s reactionary.

  4. Yeah… I recently learned that Killing Everything before tilling would have been a good move (never tried to convert a patch of established lawn, plus some abandoned raised beds, to a victory garden before). Either that, or start two months before planting time and till repeatedly until most of the weeds give up.
    What they’re doing? Even at my most ignorant, I wouldn’t have tried that approach.
    Someone yesterday remarked on their choice of plants and the nutritional value thereof (mostly not at all favorable). Then there’s the scale of the thing, in both space and time.
    Oh, well. To the Intellectual Class, symbolism is everything.

  5. I wouldn’t worry too much about water, it is Seattle after all. People from there walk into a Home Depot elsewhere and ask what the heck are those sprinkler things for? You’d think in a hipster part of town in a state with legal weed someone would actually know how to grow things, just sayin’.

  6. So, anyone besides me wondering where these secessionists are getting they’re electricity and water. And cell service. And sewer. And…and…..and……

    Reckon any of these idiots can define the word infrastructure?

  7. This reminds me of the opening chapters of Ringo’s The Last Centurion where the clueless Limousine Libs are put in charge of the confiscated farms in America, because “how hard can it be to farm dirt and make food”.

    1. One needs look no further than Zimbabwe. The paradise where your skin color proves your ability. And, the evil whites were thrown off the land they farmed for decades, and the farms were handed over to blacks. Now, the country is starving.

  8. How long before the “horticulturists” who received their degree from Social Media University are charged with treason for failing to produce enough, sent to a gulag, and replaced with other “horticulturists” with Social Media University degrees?

    This is what happens when you truly believe that you know everything about everything, just because you and all your friends have Twitter accounts.

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