After some research and info dump from some super-duper Federal sources, I found out our Carry-On Trauma Kit has to fit certain parameters: It has to be in size of fit inside a ziploc-type quart bag (I don’t know why and I really do not care to find out why the dumb size), it must not contain liquids and hopefully won’t set up the explosives sniffer.
So it is gonna be a combination of two things: A small prefab commercial trauma kit and trauma scissors under 7 inches long (so they fit in the stupid bag.) I am partial to this sealed unit plus the scissors:

The scissors I selected because they are small and cheap. Although it is allegedly permissible, you may find yourself dealing with some less than amiable TSA employee who will go verbotten! and confiscate them. Complain but don’t argue, you want to keep the rest of the stuff so sacrificing inexpensive scissors will have to do. Just in case they want to open the sealed bag, carry both items in a ziplock bag.
I also saw this pack that may have its own advantages.
It is 7.5 x 3 x 5 inches and you would only need to add the scissors to make the combo.
And also, you can create your own combination of items if you already have them and just need to figure our the proper way to pack them and carry. Remember that the idea is to carry something within the TSA-given parameters and good enough materials to treat a trauma long enough for more advanced rescue to arrive.
And damn it, I was forgetting this one offered by a reader: PATROL OFFICER’S POCKET TRAUMA KIT.
Dimensions: 3.75″W x 5″H x 2″D (vacuum sealed), 1 SWAT-T® Tourniquet, 1 NAR S-rolled Gauze, 1 Pair Nitrile Gloves, 1 3 ft Duct Tape. It may not have all the goodies, but you can’t complain for $16.95.
Opine, share your ideas, etc. Especially those of you that do air travel in a regular basis.
UPDATE: This via @Groundshy in Twitter. A “safe” substitute to the shears?
I just move my range bag ‘blow out kit’ to my carryon. In several trips, I’ve not had any problems with my trauma shears since they re-allowed scissors. BTW, there is a blade length limit of 4 inches on the scissors and they may not have sharp tips. Trauma shears meet the requirements. BUT to quote the TSA “The final decision rests with the TSA officer on whether an item is allowed through the checkpoint.”
The cutter you linked WILL NOT be permitted. It fails as either a “box cutter” or “Razor-Type Blades–Box cutters, razor blades not in a cartridge are prohibited in carry-on.”
I would like a cite for your requirement that it fit into a quart bag, that requirement is related to the total amount of small liquid containers allowed. There is no restriction on size of first aid kits.
From a ‘real world’ standpoint, I shop in the Austin State Surplus Store where they sell TSA seized items. I USED to find trauma shears every visit. I haven’t found any in months. They apparently aren’t seizing them anymore. They have BINS FULL of box cutters, seat belt cutters, razors, stanley knives, letter openers, and anything else that has a small blade shielded by a plastic shape. They ABSOLUTELY WILL seize that Klever Kutter. (as an aside, there are bins full of the tiny swiss army knives, tiny gerbers and SOGs, and buckets full of the folding credit card knives and the steel “survival cards.” They are finding and seizing these regularly.
Any of the kits you listed would be a fine addition to a carryon, but please add a couple more pairs of gloves. Someone may want to help, or have more training than you but no gear and they will need gloves. Also gloves tear, and you (need to/should) change gloves between patients.
Everyone though I was nuts to carry my kit on a plane. Maybe not so much anymore.
“I would like a cite for your requirement that it fit into a quart bag,”
That was form people that works and worked in TSA who also warned me you will get treated differently at different airports on what to carry aboard. The idea is to have it and “hide in plain sight” and the quart bag does that wonderfully.
You are gonna find idiots and you don’t need to get in an argument with them at a checkpoint by citing regulations. They take it personally and then proceed to make your life miserable.
Ok, nothing wrong with doing it, but it shouldn’t limit you either. I’ve got 750k air miles, mostly domestic with some international, about 3/4 of that post-911. I won’t go thru the naked scanner, so I get extra inspection almost every time. In all that, I can count the number of things that were seized from me on one hand. A tiny screwdriver, and a letter opener (like a box cutter) are the only two that immediately come to mind. I’ve been carrying the blow out kit for more than a year without problems.
You don’t need to hide it in plain sight, as it isn’t restricted. In fact, if you’re worried about Joe Friday alerting on something, him SEEING ‘trauma’ this and ‘trauma’ that is more likely to pique his interest than a plain black toiletries bag.
Leave it in your carryon, keep any liquids out of it, and you won’t have a problem.