

Catalytic converter theft and violence

The other day I said the anti-gun Left trusts thieves.

If only you give thieves what they want, they won’t hurt you, do there is never any reason to use force to defend yourself during a robbery.

Let’s see how well that actually works.

Man shines flashlight down from window at catalytic converter thieves, only to be shot at

As CBS 2’s Shardaa Gray reported Thursday, Alberto Collon tried to scare off catalytic converter thieves outside his home – only to run into gunfire.

Collon woke up to what sounded like his car being tampered with.

Collon grabbed a flashlight and went to the window. He opened the shades and shined the flashlight toward the suspects – as

Collon thought this would be a harmless gesture he thought would scare off the thieves. Instead, someone started shooting at him.

The thieves trying to steal a catalytic converter were wiling to kill a man over it.  He didn’t do anything more than shine a light out a window to see what was going on that made a noise and they tried kill him.

Why would anyone assume that these thieves wouldn’t committ a homicide of they robbed a convenience store or a house?

“Is your property worth killing someone over,” the Left loves to ask.

Why do they ignore that quite often the criminals have already decided that your property is worth killing you for.

Never trust a thief.

Maybe there is a sparkle of hope after all?

From this morning’s local rag:

People kill people. Transform hearts to prevent gun violence

The cycle is predictable. There is a tragic shooting. Guns take center stage once again. Aficionados on both sides emerge, one calling for more gun control, the other to push back against such laws. In the wake of the tragedy, minor changes are made to a variety of gun laws, buildings are made safer, and safety procedures are implemented and practiced. It is tragic beyond belief. And so the cycle goes – that is, until the next shooting.

While we tangentially address the mental or spiritual health of the shooter, we rarely deeply delve into this singular truth – people kill people. I have never known a gun, a knife, a bomb or any othproaches er means of death to act apart from human agency. The reason we avoid the issue of human agency is because it may prompt us to take a deeper look into the human condition, into our own souls.

People kill people. This statement is not an attempt to avoid sensible laws or to hinder sensible safety procedures. I’m all for them. It is to say that when we say that people kill people it requires us to acknowledge that inanimate objects do not kill people; people kill people. Further, it may force us to admit the notion that people are sometimes good, but inherently flawed.

It may even force us to resurrect and deal with such notions as the Judeo-Christian understandings of original sin, noting that humans are sinners by nature, choice and behavior, and are in need of transformation. Call it what you will (sin, mental health issues, psychosomatic issues); there is, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn hinted at in his June 8, 1978, Harvard Commencement speech, “A World Split Apart,” and explicitly noted in “The Gulag Archipelago,” “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, not between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart – and through all human hearts.”

What does this mean? It means that while sensible safety laws of all kinds are important, addressing the essentials of the human condition – our souls – is necessary. What I’m speaking of is not more economic opportunity or even more educational endeavors. What I’m speaking of are those cultural institutions that shape and point the human heart toward that which is good, not bad, so that angry violence is not an option.

Sadly, while violence is on the rise, the very entities that could help us – a well rounded education that teaches people how to think rather than indoctrinate them in the shallow disciplines of deconstructionism, religious institutions that focus on spiritual transformation, and familial bonds of love that teach the highest of all forms of government (that is, self-government) – are all on the decline or are mocked as insufficient means of change.

Unless we address the spiritual condition of the souls of men and women, no amount of safety procedures or gun safety laws will stem the tide of violence we’re experiencing as a culture. Why? Because, in the end, people kill people. We can outlaw guns, but if it’s not a gun, it will be a knife, a bomb, poison, a hatchet, etc., that will end up being the means of the violence that comes out of a heart that needs transformation.

Kevin Shrum is a pastor and author. He serves Inglewood Baptist Church in Nashville.

People kill people. This statement is not an attempt to avoid sensible laws or to hinder sensible safety procedures. I’m all for them. It is to say that when we say that people kill people it requires us to acknowledge that inanimate objects do not kill people; people kill people. Further, it may force us to admit the notion that people are sometimes good, but inherently flawed.

How long have we been saying this? Decades!