

Being a New Yorker is pathological

The other day I described what I called Battered New Yorker Syndrome.

Because the universe likes to prove me correct, a New York Times writer had to put her opinion in online for the world to see.

Where to begin with this.

According to Bloomberg News: NYC Subway Crime Jumps 30%, Defying Surge in Police Patrols.

So subway crime is, in fact, a real problem.

Moreover, according to local news:


Reports of unsanitary conditions in the subway, including everything from feces and blood to garbage, are grossing out riders of New York City’s transit system and creating another deterrent — along with crime — to getting the Big Apple back to normal.

I’m just a dumb redneck from Northern Alabama, but I dont want to go into an underground tube, with few or no points of immediate egress (once that train starts moving, you’re trapped on it),  surrounded by filth, violent criminals, and insane vagrants.

Im not used to seening homeless mumble to themselves and piss in public in Alabama.

I used to live in South Dakota, where we had a large homeless population of Native Americans.  When they got drunk and started peeing in public, the police arrested them.  It wasn’t ignored.

We have an expectation that our municipal agencies would keep the public places relatively clean and pleasant for the working taxpayer.

We also don’t have a stigma against self defense.  In fact, the opposite is true.

We preach that you are your first and last line of defense.  You are ultimately responsible for yourself and your safety.

Perhaps because rural America understands that sometimes the nearest cop is 20 miles away, you are on your own and can’t be expected to rely on the system.

In New York, that’s flipped and been pathologies.

It’s a big city, don’t defend yourself, call the police.  The police don’t come because they are over taxed and under staffed, the response time us long.  Rather than revert to the rural position of be prepared for self-defense, they say just accept the danger or you’re a coward.

Only pussies want to protect themselves, real, tough New Yorkers just put themselves in dangerous situations and accept that they might die, and console themselves by saying that at least they aren’t scared rednecks who have little dicks and feel the need to carry guns anywhere.

Then her New York self righteousness really kicks in.


The NYC Department of Homelessness Services has a budget of $2.2 billion.  Mayor Adams spent another $171 million on homelessness services.

NYC spends over $60,000 per homeless person per year, yet the problem doesn’t go away.

The problem is two fold.

First, the money is largely wasted on the Homeless Industrial Complex bureaucracy.  It pays the salaries and expense accounts of people who deal with the homeless, not on the homeless themselves.

Second, the city imposes no restrictions on the homeless.  They subsidize drug use, alcoholism, and don’t encourage the homeless to get clean.  That’s not compassion, all that does is exacerbate the system.

The homeless are flocking to New York and California because they can get free food, free needles, can shop lift with impunity, and do drugs and OD at safe injection sites.  That’s literally the opposite of compassion.

Funding a homeless drug habit while bureaucrats grift off the taxpayer isn’t Christian, or even morally superior to what the Alabama Christians are doing for the homeless.

To be this obtuse to reality and think New York and New Yorkers are superior is just pathological.  These people are insane.


When you get an idea why Philadelphia is a s***hole.

I am goin to start with the heart-wrenching headline:

Family mourns loss of canvasser, as gun violence intersects with a common campaign practice

And the photo of the victim.

The shooting, which remained under investigation, underscored the relevance of the most important issue in the election: the city’s ongoing gun violence crisis..

Eddie Brokenbough was struggling to make ends meet

The 46-year-old, whom relatives described as a dedicated father of 10, experienced difficulties finding a good-paying job because, like many Philadelphians, he had a criminal record.

To supplement his income as a construction flagger, Brokenbough sometimes worked as a political canvasser, knocking on doors for organizations trying to get out the vote.

On Monday, Brokenbough was fatally shot while canvassing for the progressive group One PA by another canvasser from the same organization after the two men had an altercation.


What did I say? Heart-wrenching indeed. The man had made a mistake in the past and was having issues to keep his 10 kids fed so he was working as a canvaser and got shot down like a dog by somebody with a gun. SHAME! GUN VIOLENCE SUCKS! BLAME (Insert name here)!

If you do not read anything else, you end up with a sad portrayal of a life snuffed because the gun lobby. But if you keep reading down (way down), you will find a different tune to be sung.

Deputy Police Commissioner Frank Vanore said it was still unclear Tuesday what led to the argument between the two men, but that they had “some kind of previous history,” and when they crossed paths on the street, an argument followed.
Brokenbough then brandished his gun, which he was not licensed to carry, Vanore said, and the younger man pulled out his legally registered firearm and shot Brokenbough once in the armpit.
Police said the 22-year-old, whom they did not identify, told them he acted in self-defense.

Pay attention to this sentence: “Brokenbough then brandished his gun, which he was not licensed to carry.” Why didn’t he have a license to carry? Maybe he forgot? He did not know? Nopers, you need to go farther down the article to find out.

Brokenbough was prohibited from legally carrying a firearm because of an earlier conviction on charges of aggravated assault and illegal gun possession, after he shot a man in the arm for speaking to his girlfriend in 2012, according to court records.

He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 11 ½ to 23 months in prison, plus five years’ probation. His conviction prohibits him from possessing a gun.

He was a felon in possession of a firearm. And not just any felony but a violent one, with a gun. Something he did again, but this time he faced somebody who was carrying legally and managed to defend himself which makes him the real guilty party in the eyes of The Philadelphia Enquirer.

And the most beautiful kicker is that both men were canvassing for the Liberal group OnePA who forbids is canvassers to carry firearms. I guess at least one of them is happy he ignored such stupid instructions.

And the winner of the Liberal Mental Gymnastics is (drum roll please):

The View’s Ana Navarro.

“Being Hispanic or being black or being anything does not make you immune from being racist, from being radicalized, from being a white supremacist.”

From their manual:

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. […] The eyeless crature at the other table swallowed it fanatically. passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme, too-in some more double complex way, involving doublethink-Syme, swallow it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”

1984, George Orwell.

Why they have to beatify every criminal


No concealed carry permit holder that I’m aware of has ever shot a minority citizen for demanding equality or equal status.

This is why they have to push the narrative that “[criminal] was shot for walking while black,” or some other similar type statement.

They cannot acknowledge that most of these shoots are good shoots because these people do not want to live in a polite society.

They want to live in a society of anarcho-tryanny where thugs and criminals can commit crimes unmolested and law abiding citizen cower in fear, defenseless.

So they beatify every criminal so that the narrative turns into a poor minority killed for wanted to be an equal person instead of a criminal choosing the wrong target.

The homeless vagrant on the subway isn’t demanding equality.  He’s robbing you with the threat of violence.


And your happy news for Monday.

A Murfreesboro homeowner won’t face charges after he shot two men, killing one, accused of breaking into his home, using a Taser on the family’s dog and holding a teenage boy at gunpoint.

Murfreesboro police were called to the home in the 100 block of January Street about 8:30 p.m. Friday in reference to the shooting, according to a statement released Sunday evening.

When officers arrived at the home, they found 52-year-old Kevin Ford dead at the front door, according to the statement.
A second man was found with multiple gunshot wounds at the Salvation Army on Main Street, police said. He was taken to the hospital, treated and released into police custody on charges of aggravated burglary, attempted aggravated robbry, convicted felon in possession of a firearm and possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent felony.


Police: Murfreesboro homeowner kills man during burglary attempt (dnj.com)

Recidivism for one of the home invaders was properly reduced to zero.

And that is the way you do it.