

Gun Free Zone versus Gun Carry Zone.

Since Hollywood is on a bent to remake movies (and most of the time, screwing them) I thought I’d do the same with an old post from 2011. The original post was Why Concealed Carry helps those who do not carry, but as The Packetman smartly suggested in the comments, it also applies to Gun Free Zones.

Imagine two identically looking bowls with 100 M&Ms each:


Bowl One has 100 fresh M&Ms reap for picking by anybody.


Bowl 2 has 95 fresh and delicious M&Ms and 5 M&Ms laced with a very fast acting poison but indistinguishable from the rest.

Question: Which bowl will be avoided like the plague by nutjobs and other human predators, trying to score a high body count?


Body of Woman Missing Since 1990 Found in Fort Myers Pond

The body of a woman who has been missing for 25 years has been found inside her red sports car at the bottom of a southwest Florida pond.

Source: Body of Woman Missing Since 1990 Found in Fort Myers Pond | NBC 6 South Florida

No foul play suspected. Believe it or not, this is not uncommon down here. We are filled with canals for flood control plus ponds and lakes, some natural, lots man-made that bring charm to our neighborhoods.

sofla lakes

What you see blue in the map is a body of water and pretty much the big one only and no canals. West of me, there is a lake big enough that supported a Cessna 172 with pontoons and I never figured out how the FAA allowed it since every inch of the lake’s coast had a house and the area is quite suburban.

There was this case where a guy left a hurricane party intoxicated and was never seen after that. yes, he was drunk and left in the middle of a Cat 1 Hurricane which is not the smartest thing to do. He was found in a canal 2 years later a mile from where the party was held and the kicker is that the canal was parallel to a busy road. Nobody ever saw a thing, including me who used to drive by the location at least twice a week.

I have a hole puncher and a knife secured in my center console, same with the wife. Most if the canals are not really deep, but you are sitting trapped in a car under 4 feet of water and can’t get out, you could be 8 feet tall and will be dead just the same.

And that is your charming Friday post.

Another Gun Free Zone Shooting & Cops nearby.

The Grand
Clearly stated in the Theater chain’s website: Gun Free Zone.

Two police officers were very close to the theater and were able to respond to the chaotic scene in less than a minute, Craft said. The officers entered the theater as a stream of theatergoers fled. As the officers entered, they heard a single gunshot, which was the suspect shooting himself. He may have seen the police coming, Craft said.

Source: Lafayette movie theater shooting: Injury count increases to 9 | NOLA.com

Details are still few.  Was it a celebratory copycat of the Aurora shooting? Probably we will never know.

Stay Safe & Carry Everywhere.


Inside the Mind of Gun Grabber: The Minions!

Not the cute yellow ones from the movies. These are selected Gamma males that circle around a #GunSense conversation shouting slogans and assorted idiocies.

They are fun to read and serve a good purpose: to check what mindless meme is fashionable at any given moment.

lib hip minions 1

If you were looking for common sense and a smidgen of sanity, you will not find it here. Some more.

lib hip minions 2

They sort of explain why the Honey Boboo girl, the Kardasians and assorted less-than-stellar figurines are the rage on TV.

Have a great weekend everybody. Go to the range for some ballistic therapy and the fact that the people above will be having fits knowing you are shooting boolits and exercising your Second Amendment Rights.

More on the mind of Gun Grabber: Hospital Costs.

The following is another Gun Control meme that took hold sometime last year and I going to credit either Moms Demand or the Mayors/Everytown for it. Due to the fact (damned facts) that the murder rate has actually been dropping and they could not juggle it, the Gun Grabbers went on to explain that the reason that happened was because better ER and medical techniques that were saving more patients.  Now, I am always on the hope that doctors and hospitals do improve and I have no reason to say that is not, but if somebody is shot and taken to the hospital, it has to be reported to the local LEOs and gets classified as Aggravated Assault. And guess what has happened to the Agg. Assault numbers? Yup, they dropped too.

Again, selected takes of the exchange in order to keep it sane and to the point.

lib hip hospital costs 1
I don’t know if she is really that dumb or just playing one for TV.

lib hip hospital costs


It does not require a PhD or even a GED to figure that suicides and homicides have very little or no cost to a hospital’s emergency medicine and a big fat zero for long-term medical care which was brought up by one of the minions floating around the conversation.  But it has been a long-standing tradition for the Gun Grabbers to lump suicides as part of the “Gun Violence” so I figure it was a knee-jerk reaction to add them in the medical cost meme.