You know who is really sad?
Shannon Watts and the rest of the Moms, their Mayor “husbands” and the rest of the Anti Bandwagon.: They hear about a mass shooting, take out their Blood tap Dancing Shoes only to find out that no Assault Weapon was involved, no High Capacity Magazine was used, Background checks were done and passed and the event happened in a Gun Free Zone.
Still, they went ahead and made their shrilly attacks demanding we need to do something, only to be rolled over by the Confederate Flag controversy and then the media circus over SCOTUS and Gay Marriage.
All the left when out to play in recess and did not invite poor Shannon to hopscotch with them. Them bullies!

SCOTUS Ruling On Same-Sex Marriage Mandates Nationwide Concealed Carry Reciprocity – Bearing Arms
My North Carolina concealed carry permit, for example, was recognized yesterday as being valid in 36 states, which just so happened to be the number of states in which gay marriage was legal yesterday. But 14 states did not recognize my concealed carry permit yesterday. Today they must.Using the same “due process clause” argument as the Supreme Court just applied to gay marriage, my concealed carry permit must now be recognized as valid in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
I was going to write about the same subject, but Bob does a rather nice job.
Preach It Sister! Grrl Power #330 – Action zeroing the needle
Source: Grrl Power – Grrl Power #330 – Action zeroing the needle
But remember, there are no new shooters and specially no female shooters joining the Gun Culture….
We are Mainstream. Suck it up.
Hat Tip to Mark W.
Book Review: The Grey Man- Changes (Volume 3)
Peter Grant calls Jim Davis a raconteur and I hate myself for not coming up with the adjective myself. The Grey Man- Changes is the third installment of the Cronin Family saga and another tale well delivered. Life is not stagnant, it moves on, sometimes is good and sometimes is deadly. Jim focuses more on the new generation but smartly does not relegate Old Man Cronin to a less than primary role: He is still the head honcho, but the new blood that will carry the tradition is expanding including family and the non-blood related family.
He who stands with me…
I hate to sound too cryptic, but I hate giving even a hint of a spoiler. The book continues on the Curtis tradition of a good tale and you won’t be disappointed. Available in both Kindle and Dead Tree so you have no excuse. Get it.
If your cause is righteous, why lie? SPLC Version.
If the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) was honest, or did any basic research, they would know that during the introduction to every event the Shoot Boss (a veteran instructor who runs the event) tells attendees specifically that Appleseed is NOT a militia, and has no ties to militia groups. He or she politely tell folks that if that is what they are expecting, that we’ll be happy to refund their fees and send them on their way.
Appleseed is “militia-based” by only the most tortured definition. The extent of our involvement with militias is talking about the various Massachusetts militia units that came together on April 19, 1775 to fight British regulars in the first running battle of the American Revolution from Lexington, to Concord, and back to Boston.
The SPLC is also patently lying when it claims, that Appleseed urges “every citizen to own an AR-15 assault rifle.” Appleseed is platform agnostic, but the only rifle type it actually recommends are semi-automatic, magazine fed .22LR rifles.
Source: Bearing ArmsSPLC Attempts To Smear Appleseed Project – Bearing Arms
Must be a Clinton running for President that the chant of Militia is back again and getting louder. Soon we will hear once again about the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy trying to sink her and her husband and his girlfriend du jour.
Go check our the article. I am expecting that Southern Poverty Law Center will soon be publishing the list of Republicans that are alleged to own slaves and fly the Southern Flag any day now.