

Why We Win: Tone Deaf Stupid.

Protest Easy Guns Tone Deaf

Those of us who want to live, shop, go to school and worship in gun-free spaces also have rights,” Molyneux said. “In what way is ‘freedom’ advanced by telling the owner of a bar or restaurant they cannot ban handguns in their own place of business, as many states now do? Today, it is the NRA that is the enemy of freedom, by seeking to impose its values on everyone else.

”The nation could ring out with the new slogans of liberty: “Not in my house.” “Not in our school.” “Not in my bar.” “Not in our church.” We’d be defending one of our most sacred rights: The right not to bear arms.

Source: How America can free itself from guns – The Washington Post

Call me silly, but Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church was a “gun-free space” same as Columbine and Sandy Hook. And nobody is trying to stop you or punish you for not bearing arms, you can do that already without any problems…. Unless you are in a “gun-free space” and having visit by a deranged bipedal predator looking for victims. Other than that, you are golden and feel free to engage in that right.


The stupid….it hurts.

Thoughts On The Charleston Shooter – Ambulance Driver Files

Not only that, but there were no riots, no civil unrest, no epithets spewed or rocks thrown (looking at you, Baltimore and NYC). Just a bunch of people, black and white, mourning a tragedy together, and trying to find some healing and understanding in the aftermath.Together. Right here in the heart of white-supremacist, toothless, cousin-humping Dixie. Apparently we still have a lot to learn about race relations from our more enlightened neighbors to the north. Except that they’re not quite the lessons those neighbors envisioned.

Source: Thoughts On The Charleston Shooter – Ambulance Driver Files

And that is all you need to know.

From I could gather in Twitter, the Usual Suspects went to Charleston or were thinking of going to raise hell in the name of whatever is their brand of political BS. Apparently they got the message that it would not be tolerated. The Intelligentsia will still get some political piasters out of the killing but it won’t be the return they expected.

To all Race Baiters and assorted Race Haters: Bless your little hearts.


When Idiots Collide

What happens when Open Carry Idiots clash with the Gaystapo? I am still amazed that the Ultra Visual Gay Community is so Anti Gun. I guess they must pay heed to their liberal masters. The chanting? Not good people, you sound like a bunch of Cult Members about to commit Gastritis by Cyanide.

Watching the first video, I was giving the Open Carry people the benefit of the doubt…that is until the end and I realized that not only they were from the Dumbassery Brigade That Carries Rifles To Be On The Interwebs, but one of them was awarded the Derp Medal First Class for Outstanding Deployment of the Dumb by tying together four AK magazines together.

Gay-K 47 1 Gay-K 47 2 Gay-K 47 3

“Gay-K 47?”

Charleston Killer passed a background check. We need background checks so it does not happen again.

protest easy guns reid bg checks

“The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs,” Reid said from the Senate floor. “Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.”

Source: Reid seeks expanded gun background checks | TheHill

We are a polite society. In any other society, one would lose his s*** and start slapping congresscritters for lying like a horny teen in Prom Night.

Get ready folks, Elections 2016 are around the corner and we are gonna be flooded with this kind of crap every day till November. And probably even bigger lies, the size we have never seen before.

They be butthurt in New York State.

Those individuals themselves registered 44,485 assault-style weapons — a term whose definition under the law was expanded to include military-style features like a pistol grip and popular civilian models of the M16 and AK47 assault rifles — with State Police, the data, which was first obtained by the Albany Times Union, show.

Law enforcement experts have estimated there could be nearly 1 million assault-style weapons in circulation across the state, suggesting that many New Yorkers are ignoring a central provision of what had been touted by gun control advocates as a milestone law.

“What these numbers expose is that, if there are people who are wilfully ignoring the law, that means tens of thousands of gun owners are not complying with a law that is supported by New Yorkers,” said Leah Gunn Barrett,  executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, citing a May poll commissioned by her group that showed state residents support key provisions of the SAFE Act.

Source: NY SAFE Act weapons registry numbers released – NY Daily News


So 95.6% of the Evil Black Rifles are officially “free range” in the great State of New York. In the article it says that 23,847 people have applied to register 44,485 “assault-style weapons” that comes to 2 EBRs per person. So making an exaggerated statistical assumption, about a half a million New York Citizens are now breaking the law big time.

No wonder Cuomo did not want these numbers released, they are mocking the crap out of the whole NYS government.

When they outlaw guns….


The International Lord of Hate showing who the real haters are.

Larry Correia Time Magazine

What Time is actually doing here is pining for the days when blacks could just be unilaterally disarmed on the whim of local authorities.

As many already know, up to 1934, you could buy a Thompson Sub Machine gun by mail and have it delivered home. Sears sold guns in their catalog, young kids could buy hunting rifles at the local hardware store and soldiers brought many full auto and even crew served machine guns from WWI for their personal use.

Of course, you had to be White to enjoy the privilege. Time does seem to be wishing for that.  Jim Crow hides in Manhattan nowadays.