When asked by ABC’s Jonathan Karl if any of the gun control proposals the president had issued in the past would have prevented the massacre last week, Earnest couldn’t give a direct answer — and admitted it was too early to tell.
Even though not all the info is out, what we have points out that Rat-Turd Dylann Roof got a pistol that probably came with a low capacity magazine, and after going through a background check, only to bring down in horror the myth of gun free zones. When a single horrific event makes you and what you were trying to peddle a liar, no wonder we had this sudden push to ban Confederate Flags as if that was the reason the shooting occurred.
My evil twin brother (from another Space Alien Mother) Chuck B. crafts his own muzzle devices for the AR platform. These are not mass-produced items or even banged out crap by Drunken Monkeys but painstakingly hand manufactured brakes and flash hiders.
Hiders go for $25 a pop and the Brakes for $50 since they require a whole lot more machining and care.
Drop him a line at bogiestl@gmail.com for ordering info and any questions you may have.
And no, I don’t get even a sample for free as I do not own an AR…you should know that by now.
ST. PETERSBURG — Given the recent armed robberies of two Tampa Bay real estate agents, many Realtors are wondering if they should start carrying a gun.
“No!” St. Petersburg police Chief Tony Holloway emphatically said Friday. “That person’s going to take that gun away from you.”
I was amazed that this day and age, there are still mental derelicts that can stand in front of a room full of self-starting female professionals and tell them to their faces that they are too stupid to pull a trigger in self-defense. Out of the 523 sworn officers in the St. Petersburg Police Department, 17% of them are women (88 if my calculator did not steer me wrong) and I am guessing they do not carry sidearms because criminals may take them away from them. Maybe they are allowed to carry a duster or a bottle of Windex.
Seriously, the Tampa-St. Pete area appears to be the New Jersey of Florida. And I thought Broward County was anti gun.
“The great powers had the pictures of the railway lines that brought the trains to the concentration camps like Auschwitz to kill Jews, Christians, homosexuals, everybody. Why didn’t they bomb (the railway lines)?”
You probably have seen the part about Pope Francis bitching about gun makers from other bloggers and sources, so I won’t go there. But the Auschwitz bit really tells you what kind of stupid is the guy under the mitre.
Even if the Allies’ leadership knew the extent of the crimes against humanity being committed in places like Auschwitz, the idea of bombing the rail lines is based on propaganda resuscitated from the 70s’ Latin Left Wingers.
Let’s go to a map:
Distance between London and Auschwitz as the crow flies is 1,300 miles. Auschwitz begins operations in 1940 and becomes a death camp in 1941. At that time the premier bomber was the B-17 Flying Fortress with a range of about 1,000 miles which shows that even on a suicide mission, it would never reached the camp. The B-24 Liberator has a bit more than double the range of the B-17, so theoretically it could flight all the way over there and back and landing on fumes… Remember, the Allies do not make it to France till June of 1944 and takes a couple of months to have secure and fitted airfields.
Now, two more issues remain: One is that you never had a bombing sortie flight a straight line. You added doglegs to try and hide your objective. That means the actual range of the airplane would be largely decreased. Second issue and the reason for the doglegs: Anti Aircraft suppression in the form of ack-ack (artillery) and the Luftwaffe. In case you missed it in the map, Auschwitz is on the other side of Germany. During regular runs, the Eighth Air Force lost almost 50% of their airplanes and 26,000 dead air crewmen.
Compare where Berlin is in the first map against this map.
And, of course, at bombing heights, finding a standard gauge railroad track (4 ft 8 1⁄2 in) is so easy.
I guess we Catholics are stuck with a Pope that is more intent on being 21st Century hip than actually tending to the spiritual needs of the flock. Instead of the Rock in which Church is built, we go a pontoon to a Party House Boat.
According to The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the USA has a murder rate of 4.1 per 100,000 people. Pakistan sports a 7.7 per 100K, Russia a 13.12, South Africa 16.25 and Kenya would be the only one lower with a 2.76.
Russia, and Pakistan do not provide the rates of guns by firearms, only South Africa does and it comes to almost the same as the murder rate while the US drops to 2.97 per 100K. It is interesting that he cherry picks the data and somehow forgets the 110 countries ahead of the US in murders.
But he is Robert Reich, Clinton operative. Lying is his default line and operating system.