

Mom Demand in Nashville: It is all in the angle…and sometimes not even.

Moms on their usual self-congratulatory post about how they faced the barbarian NRA hordes.

Moms Demand Nashville Back 2

And the pic itself:

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.

But all is not quite what it seems. The photo kinda looks funky, right?  Mike V show us why:

Moms Demand Nashville Back 3 Mike V

And then reality:

Moms Demand Nashville Back


The last photo was stolen without shame from Bearing Arms and there are more pics in the article.  Don’t forget to say thanks to Bob Owens everybody.

Bob points out in his article that the promised 400 protesters never materialized and that perhaps only less than half at best showed up. What happened? My guess, this was Nashville and not Indianapolis where even being the area of operations for Shannon Watts and supposedly she would be able to gather more people, they did not manage to get a huge crowd last year.  I am guessing this year it actually meant for people that they had to suspend their lives and travel out of their pockets (unknown how many people were bused and complimented on lodging) and real life activism is hard if you are astroturf.

I am not the only one that thinks Moms Demand might be beginning to be a serious contender against Gun Rights. There are certain small things here and there that indicate they do not have the attention of  the mainstream media and certainly when they do, like in the case of the New York Times editorial earlier this week (National Review still has the original text) leaves them with a black eye and a further lowering on their reputations.

I think Bloomberg is shifting more towards Everytown and as a lobby at State level than Shannon at National Level as she has failed to provide with a substantial and provable win anywhere. I know they are working hard in Oregon with a legislature and governor fully locked in the democrat ticket, but even so they do it with Bloomberg’s influence behind the scenes.

The Brady Campaign has been pretty much irrelevant for a while now. And with both Bradys passing, I think we can pretty much say they will be gone soon. But they lasted this long because they believed in their cause, wrong as it may be and did go the grassroots way. That their patch of grass was not as they thought it would be is a different story.

But this does not mean we ignore MDA. We will keep pushing and show them for the liars they are until they become the Gun Control joke Rosie O’Donnell and the Million Mom March became.

And then we take on the next opponent. The fight never ends.

Charter Arms Guns for the NRAAM lost by the shipper.

This one making the rounds: a sign at the Charter Arms booth.

Charter Arms Lost Guns


I figure Yellow Freight and ATF are going to be seeing a lot of each other. I lost a link with more info, but basically 50 guns are gone including prototypes and several with Serial Number #0000001.

Oh! And Charter Arms paid $15,000 for the booth. ..which is empty save some catalogs.

Somebody’s ass is in serious crap.

New Blog Recommendation J. MARK TROWER.

Would an officer’s interview with a rape victim or a child victim of a sex crime be subject to public disclosure?  Even with assurances that the footage would not be released, to what degree will the presence of a camera dissuade victims from wanting to make a report, or have their child make a report?  In states where juvenile suspect’s names are protected from public release, how will departments handle public information requests where the footage depicts a juvenile or other ‘protected’ person interacting with the officer?

via Body Cameras – be careful what you wish for. J. MARK TROWER – Blog.

Buddy of mine and he knows his stuff. He will be surely be ticking some off which is a good thing. Never get stuck in a mental loop.


OK Harvard, Columbia and Duke, you are trolling now…

Roughly 22 million Americans — 8.9 percent of the adult population– have impulsive anger issues and easy access to guns. 3.7 million of these angry gun owners routinely carry their guns in public. And very few of them are subject to current mental health-based gun ownership restrictions.

Those are the key findings of a new study by researchers from Harvard, Columbia and Duke University

via Nearly 1 in 10 Americans have severe anger issues and access to guns – The Washington Post.

You’d figure by now that if you make a study and the “result” does not fit with real life events, you go back and reassess WTF went wrong with your calculations. 3.7 million people packing “in anger” and so little (and descending) in the amount shootin’ & killin’ kinda disproves the whole bag of rats.

Then again in the era of “The Science is Settled!”  I bet they got a Federal grant too.
