

CSGV: Making it up ain’t hard to do.

They have to be bullsh…preaching to their choir because nobody with two neurons connected together can see this and actually believe it.
CSGV Texas 3006


Here is a close up of the collage:

CSGV Texas 3006 1

So, how tall are big are the signs? According to Texas Penal code 30.06 the letters must be an inch tall and the text being:

“Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by holder of license to carry a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (concealed handgun law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.”

The above text must also be provided in Spanish.

I checked a store that sells the sign and they are about 30″ x 30″ or 18″ inches shorter than the obviously made-up monstrosity cooked up by CSGV.

Now the sign is nothing new. It has been the law since Texas went CWP and this one looks stupidly done to boot so, who are they trying to convince? And about what?

If the sign bothers them so much, Texas can go Florida Style and just make the signs pretty decorations that can be ignored. That will solve all the problems.

And sometimes you do know your attacker and it is not easy.

A 45-year-old man was shot multiple times Monday in Sun City Hilton Head by his mother who was defending his grandmother, according to a Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office news release.

William Bryant was behaving aggressively and attempting to enter the bedroom of his 91-year-old grandmother when his mother, Marilou Bryant, shot him around 7:20 a.m., the release said. She is not being charged in connection with the incident.

via Sun City woman shoots son in self-defense, Sheriff’s Office says | Crime & Public Safety | The Island Packet.

Possibly the hardest thing anybody can be forced to make. I cannot even imagine the pain of that lady before, during and most certainly after.

Between a rock and a hard place sounds rather cushy just about now. May she find peace with what she was forced to do.