

Yesterday was a good day for Pennsylvania Gun Owners.

Not only Governor Tom Corbett signed State-wide Firearms Law prevention into law (version with “teeth”) but the City of Philadelphia settled a lawsuit (John Doe, et al.,  v. City of Philadelphia, et al, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas docket no. 121203785) pretty much getting spanked for allegedly posting and disclosing confidential license to carry firearms.

Besides the $1.425 million plus administrative cost, the city must comply with a list of “honey-do-&-don’t” regarding privacy of citizens with license to carry firearms, the process to provide LTCF and even “Customer service training for the Philadelphia Gun Permit Unit.”

At the same time, Shannon Watts couldn’t get enough people to run a decent bingo game in front of Kroger’s HQ.

Moms Demand: Officially the Kroger Protest sucked.

Moms Demand Kroger own photo 1

As I posted yesterday, their great assault protest that was going to bring down Kroger to its knees, was barely more than the local Girl Scouts getting ready to sell cookies and they admit it.

Moms Demand Kroger own photo 2


Can you imagine what we could achieve with their budget and media presence and our numbers?

Maybe that is what scares them the most, that we could.

Weapon Retention: Somebody built it wrong.

A Kanawha County sheriff’s deputy who works as a bailiff was injured Tuesday evening after his gun went off during a scuffle involving three deputies and a mental hygiene patient at the county Judicial Annex, police said.

The gun was still in Deputy Chris Atha’s holster when it discharged, causing the bottom of the holster to blow out and injure Atha’s leg, according to Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Rutherford. Officers are still trying to figure out how the gun went off, but the mental hygiene patient did have his hand on the holster, Rutherford said. The bullet did not strike anyone.

via The Charleston Gazette | Deputy wounded by shot after struggle in magistrate court.

I wonder which brand & model of holster is about to get raked over the coals.

90 Miles From Tyranny : Charlie Crist Issues Sinister Orwellian Threat To Florida Non Voters…

“Remember: Whether or not you vote is public record.”

We will KNOW if you didn’t vote for us, and maybe, who knows, your public assistance may be cut, or perhaps we will reduce the minutes on your obamaphone, we will know if you did not vote for us, and we will make you pay, mules. Not voting is double-plus ungood. Only thought criminals do not vote. Remember: Ignorance is Strength and Freedom is Slavery, voting for us is freedom. Vote or you will feel the pain of unpeace. Chocolate rations may be reduced to 25 grams per week!

Congratulations Charlie Crist, you do get the 1984 award for political tyranny!

via 90 Miles From Tyranny : Charlie Crist Issues Sinister Orwellian Threat To Florida Non Voters….

Thank God it seems we will have a majority in the legislature and probably a Veto-Proof one. Crist has payback written all over him.

#GroceriesNotGuns? How about #ShannonHasGuns?

The ultimate status symbol for the well dressed Gun Control Activist has always been their own particular set of armed bodyguards. Shannon Watts is not the exception and you can see them at the Kroger’s HQ not-so-populated protest.


Moms Demand Krogers Shannon Bodyguards 1

You have to love being in the 1% where you can travel the country with your own particular pack of armed guards, just as she did back for the NRA Meeting back in April.

“Guns for me but not for thee ” is their motto.