

Early 1980’s Steyr AUG…. Mint!

sig styer


Only factory shot according to the owner. 11 original mags, left eject and right eject bolt carrier, case and booklet.

Asking price for the lot? A decent $3,500 considering very few of this babes were imported back then. and the pristine condition.

If you have the monies and the lust, contact Dennis at Dragon Leatherworks. This puppy is not gonna last long

AEK-971 series: Now that is fugly


A true thousand yard gun. Not that it reaches up to a thousand yards but that it looks good at that distance. Anything closer and…Yeeeech!

Get some Tums and click on the pic. It looks like certain alcoholic simians fired from their previous jobs,  were allowed to play with recycled plastic, stamped metal and chewing gum.

This is supposed to be one of the contenders to substitute the AK once and for all. I find it funny that they keep looking like AKs anyway.

Just give me a plain old AK.

My Grail Gun: H&H Howdah.

It has been a while for Gun Blog memes, but the latest one is Grail Guns.

Again it came down to handguns and it was a toss-up between the Colt Walker and The Holland & Holland Howdah. There is no rhyme or reason why I like the Howdah or even the Walker, it is just an instinctive connection to the past.

Only good news is that if the gods of lotto ever cast their smile upon me, I can buy replicas of both and pretend I have the real deal.

Cool Scary Sculpting

Frankenstein’s Monster Skull.

This is the kind of stuff that leads to divorce. Between the dent in the bank account and scaring the gray out your significant other, no matter what, you will be on the street soon enough.

And damn it, it would be worth it.

The sculptor is Thomas Kuebler and he has an amazing creativity and technique. If you are into the whole fantasy and horror thing, check his website.  You won’t be disappointed.

Miami Beach Police Chief ignores the laws of physics.

Miami Beach police officers will no longer treat a moving car as a deadly weapon — meaning officers won’t be allowed to shoot at one unless someone inside displays a weapon or opens fire first.

The deadly force policy change — expected to be unveiled by Police Chief Dan Oates next week — comes more than three years after the high-profile Memorial Day weekend shooting of motorist Raymond Herisse. He died in a bullet-riddled blue Hyundai targeted by 116 police rounds, which also wounded four innocent bystanders

via Miami Beach cops to overhaul vehicle shooting rules | The Miami Herald.

I have been trying to find polite words for the past 10 minutes and I find myself failing.  The stupidity of considering several thousand pounds of metal and plastic launched at you not being a deadly weapon is beyond comprehension…unless you factor in a heavy dose of Miami race politics.

Can I ask for Chief Oates to demonstrate the use of Less Lethal devices against a car coming at him? I’d pay good money to see him stop a truck with pepper spray.

Joe Biden: ‘What we need is another Jim Brady.” Huh?

Vice President Joseph R. Biden said Friday the nation needs another high-profile, respected spokesman for gun control who is able to convince fearful members of Congress to buck the National Rifle Association and other organizations and vote for firearms restrictions.

Speaking at a Washington memorial service for the late James Brady — former White House press secretary who was wounded in the March 1981 assassination attempt against President Reagan — Mr. Biden said the fight to stop gun violence must never end.

via Joe Biden: ‘What we need is another Jim Brady’ to push gun-control measures – Washington Times.

Besides the obvious idiocy of asking that somebody get shot to become a champion of gun control, there is one thing that jumps really high: Is Gabby Gifford not in the White House approved list of Gun Control Advocates?

Do you get the feeling that the Opposition is a wee bit disorganized ?