

The Gray Man -Payback- is out!



J.L. Curtis also known as Old NFO in the low recesses of the Gun Blogosphere 🙂 has brought us the second book of his The Gray Man series.

I enjoyed the hell out of the first one. It had been ages since I read a book that demanded a comfy chair, a relaxed atmosphere, a smoking cylinder and a beverage : Vignettes was it.

The Gray Man -Payback is available in Amazon in both Recycled Tree Format and Kindle.

Go get it…. if you haven’t read the first one, get both!

Snot coming out of my nose (Beverage Alert)

TV News about the White House Undocumented/Unauthorized Visitor who reached the Green Room:

A Spyderco pocket knife… “He’s from Texas, honey,” I yelled at the television, startling the cats, “That’s not ‘armed’, that’s ‘dressed’, you island-dwelling herbivore!”

via View From The Porch: The Language Of Planet Manhattan….

Tam wins the internets…..

Moms Demand: ZMOG! They are shooting kids in Nightclubs in Miami….wait, what?

Moms Demand nightclub shoot

Yes, several minors were shot at a local nightclub last Sunday in Miami. And not only Moms Demand but the editors at the Miami Herald have no problem blaming the usual suspect: The NRA.

But as usual, Moms Demand are very good at parsing the language.  They said “Early Sunday morning, 15 people were shot and injured at a nightclub in Miami, Florida.” and they are right…sort of… the shooting happened at 2 am.  Now, I know that there are clubs that have parties (non-alcohol) for the younger crowd, but a bunch of kids under 18 and as young as 11 in a Nightclub (that incidentally does not have the permit to be a nightclub but just a restaurant with a limited alcohol license) at two in the morning in Liberty City (gang territory) is just absurd.

According to witnesses, the exchange of fire happened between some people who arrived to the local and people from the inside so guns were already in place brought in by those attending the soiree. Who had what is not know yet.

The nightclub is shut down now. Besides the license, they found several code violations and the owner was arrested. The investigation is still ongoing and maybe we will hear more at a later date.

But even some of the followers of Mom Demand had trouble digesting the idea that kids were at a nightclub.

Sue Hudson Craker The question has to be asked why were 11 year olds in a nightclub???? Where is the outrage over that?
Yesterday at 8:03am · 20 likes
Patty Penner why were 11 y/o’s in a nightclub?
Two make sense…but Social Justice Warrior comes to the rescue:

Julie Marble Sue: don’t blame the victims. Instead of nightclub think dance party. These are common for teens held at no alcohol venues.
Kim Ashton Where were the the parents?
Tamara Bain Hill Just a question…11 years old + early Sunday morning + nightclub???!?
Ofelia Utset Has been covered in the Palm Beach Post. Terrible event, shouldn’t be happening. Another question is why were so many kids in a nightclub at 1 am? Some as young as 11!
The “What was an 11 y/o doing in a nightclub?” run about 30% of the comments. GThe rest are the same old blame the NRA and there is even a guy who wants to move to Guatemala because is safer there…Oy!
So now you know folks, the NRA hired a nightclub, stuffed it full of children, gave them guns, booze and let them unsupervised.

Is a rifle or carbine a good choice for home defense? Here’s how to make the choice!

I mentioned the .357 Magnum as being an exception to the power equation. This cartridge is very schizophrenic: out of a handgun it has one level of performance, but out of a long gun it changes significantly. The .357 gains a lot of velocity from a longer barrel, to the extent that it almost becomes a different cartridge; it is closer to the performance of traditional rifle rounds than the pistol calibers, but without the former’s recoil and muzzle blast. This makes it very easy to shoot well, and the lever-action carbines in which it is almost exclusively chambered have a simple manual of arms for those who are not firearms enthusiasts. If the carbine is a viable choice, the .357 Magnum is an excellent candidate.

via Is a rifle or carbine a good choice for home defense? Here’s how to make the choice! | Home security, Rifles.

I’ll eventually hit the lotto or find me a sugar mama and get my perfect gun travel kit: Take down lever-action and a revolver in .357 Magnum. Anyway, go on a read Grant Cunningham’s article, it is a damned good one.  And subscribe to his blog if you are have not done so.

Medieval Armor in Combat.

Not what we are used to see in the movies.

And one thing I like is that they are really sword fighting as it was done back then, not the movie BS with the big movements.

It was a close quarter (as in bad-breath distance) fight and it was the king of the battlefield until people figured out how to kill them at a distance. It ended up being a combination of old and new technology that brought the end of the knighthood: Long spears and arquebuses.

Battle of Pavia

The Battle of Pavia in 24 February 1525 is considered to be the beginning of the end for the Knights and the coming of age of firearms in the battlefield. The French faced a combined army of Spanish, Germans and Italians and got massacred.

The genie got out of the bottle that day.

Hat Tip for the video goes to Robert The K.

I don’t want to imply that the Brit Government is lying…

But I tend to be wee skeptical when they tell me that somehow 2,011 subjects of the Crown “accidentally” hung themselves.  There might be an epidemic of unregistered nooses all over Great Britain.

Brit what we die of


And as far as I know schizophrenia may lead to behavior that causes death but not the sickness on itself does not kills people.

Not shown but also stated in the graphic found in this article by The Guardian, are alcohol related deaths: 673.
