

Gun Control Group violating Federal Law.

Via Days of Our Trailers:

 Maybe the good folks at the National Gun Victims Action Council  should focus a bit more on their bookkeeping and a bit less on their correspondence.

Yesterday, they sent an open letter to Outdoor Life, Ammoland, Guns.com and of course me, accusing us of all types of pro-gun craziness because we don’t agree with their premise that accurate rifles should be banned.

I had never heard of the NGVAC until only recently, so as any investigative reporter would, I checked them out.

The group claims to be a tax exempt organization, a 501(c)(3).

Their donations page states: “All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.”

The Internal Revenue Service, however, revoked their tax exempt status on May 15 of this year.

via UPDATED: NGVAC’s tax exempt status is revoked.

NGVA is  the batsh*t redhead little brother of the Gun Control Movement. They are a relevant as horseshoes on a motorcycle but they do prove the principle of  “Laws for thee but not for me.”


Moms Demand: Stay the course & fudge with the stats.

Apparently it did not matter that they got discovered lying to the people when they produced the fake stats about school shootings. Now they have come up with Mass Shootings under some new definition and we have a new epidemic.  Mass Shooting as are set in the American consciousness as one lone individual (sometimes two) who attack a public place with the intention to create mass casualties to innocent random people. But Ms. Watts & Co. seem to have changed the definition to include shooting with (I am guessing) more than one victim, perhaps more than two, anywhere including the home.

Despite claims made by the gun lobby, the overwhelming majority of mass shootings take place in private homes where gun carrying is unrestricted.

Moms Demand Mass Shootings again

You click the link and get taken to the Everytown site which gives you this “profound” analysis:

Moms Demand Mass Shootings again 2And at the bottom you can read:
“Using FBI data and media reports, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of every identifiable mass shooting between January 2009 and July 2014. There have been more than 110 mass shootings in the last 6 years.”

They used FBI data so it must be true, except that the FBI does not see mass shootings that way. From the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group , Active Shooter / Mass Casualty Incidents:

An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, and recent active shooter incidents have underscored the need for a coordinated response by law enforcement and others to save lives.  The FBI is committed to working with its partners to protect schools, workplaces, houses of worship, transportation centers, other public gathering sites, and communities.

I have to give it to Moms Demand: they are not deterred on doing their lying no matter how many times they are caught and embarrassed.  And I actually welcome their lying as we can use it to kill their message faster than anything else out there. None of us will reject free ammo, that much is for sure. And if Shannon keeps giving it, who are we to say no?

Once again: If their cause is righteous, why lie?

Moms Demand: It is not only the Second Amendment they have problems with…

Moms Demand Cop Watchers


My opinion of Long Gun Open Carriers is well-known and need not to be repeated.  However, it is interesting that Moms Demand have used the arrest of two of those activists while taping police procedures on public property as crying rally.

Cop Watchers is simple in concept:  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (But who will guard the guardians?) There is the unfortunate (and becoming expensive) belief among Police Departments that they can control and deny the taping of their actions in public property.

I say unfortunate because they as public servants have no expectation of privacy in the fulfillment of their duties on private property just as we civilians do not have expectation of privacy  as we walked down or congregate in public places. They use an assortment of excuses (interfering with an investigation, fear for their lives, etc.) to try to block or even arrest and destroy the video or photography taken. And I call it expensive because time after time courts end up siding with the videographer and the county has to shell some serious dough in compensation.

The funny thing is that police departments have no qualms asking the public for cell phone videos of crimes committed to solve them, specially if one of their own is the victim. So it is clear that a selective application of what can people tape or not tape depending on what the police thinks.

I am betting that just in past cases, the charged will be dropped and some sort of settlement will be reached.

With the millions of people with camera-ready smartphones, the idea that you can stop and scrub an incident just because badges are present is stupid and a violation of rights.That Shannon Watts and the rest of the Moms Demand cast is OK with it shows once again that gun control is not about the guns but the control of people.

I do love when they manufacture enough rope to give themselves a nice 13 coil tie.

If you are interested in more info about Cop Watching, you may wanna follow PINAC (Photography is Not A Crime) by Miami’s own Carlos Miller. For sanity’s sake you may want to stay away from the comment section.

MONSTER: Fourth Victim Comes Forward To Accuse “Sons Of Guns” Star Of Rape.

At least three of Hayden’s alleged victims are family members. The only one that has come forward publicly is Hayden’s older daughter and fellow “Sons of Guns” star, Stephanie Hayden Ford, who will controversially be discussing the situation on daytime television’s “Dr. Phil.”

via MONSTER: Fourth Victim Comes Forward To Accuse “Sons Of Guns” Star Of Rape [Updated] – Bearing Arms.

Bob Owens gave Bill Hayden the proper title: Monster.

I have restrained myself from commenting till now. When the first accusation came out and it was hinted that came from an ex-wife, you have to keep it at a distance because you don’t know if it is true or a thing of spite. But then the second accusation came out followed closely by the one made by Stephanie Hayden Ford  made me realize that we were looking at a depraved bastard. A fourth accusation brings him to the full position of monster.  And my take is that there are there that have not come forward and we may never know about them.

I know, we must wait for the law to run its course and I do hope it does so. And if the allegations are prove true, I hope this bastard gets the maximum the law allows and then some.

I won’t soil any more posts in this blog talking about Bill Hayden until his verdict.