

The perfect number is zero.

CSGV perfect numebe is zero

Following Governor Christie’s veto on the magazine ban capacity in NJ, our dear Opposition is back again with the ten round wailing and how that helps. Of course, you ask them to present the study where it shows why ten rounds is OK but not eleven or nine and they kinda look at you, blink hard and stutter as ten was always a number brought forward for no logical reason and whomever came up with it way back in the Clinton Administration is unknown.

Magazine capacity has never been the issue, only an excuse to make gun ownership eventually impossible. A dedicated shooter can create havoc with a humble six-shot revolver as it has happened before (You can read about the Rio School Shooting part one and part two) but I bet you never heard about it.

Zero is the only number they will accept. Unfortunately for them in terms of reality (how many millions of plus-10 mags are now safely floating around the country) and political expediency (Colorado recalls still hurt) and mass shootings perpetrated with 10 round or even less capacity (Navy Yard or Elliot Rodger) show that restricting the magazine capacity does nothing for their stated goal of 0% crime and 0% Mass Shooting/School Shootings/Whatever new definition they come up that day.  But it makes for good fund-raising noise since most of them are not sucking from Bloomberg’s udder.

How “Crazy Negroes” With Guns Helped Kill Jim Crow – Reason.com

Chinn was a black man in Canton, Mississippi, who in the 1960s owned a farm, a rhythm and blues nightclub, a bootlegging operation, and a large collection of pistols, rifles, and shotguns with which he threatened local Klansmen and police when they attempted to encroach on his businesses or intimidate civil rights activists working to desegregate Canton and register black residents to vote. After one confrontation, in which a pistol-packing Chinn forced the notoriously racist and brutal local sheriff to stand down inside the county courthouse during a hearing for a civil rights worker, the lawman admitted, “There are only two bad sons of bitches in this county: me and that nigger C.O. Chinn.”

via How “Crazy Negroes” With Guns Helped Kill Jim Crow – Reason.com.

your good reading of the day

Pulse Rifles now available in Georgia

Trust me, I triple checked that I wasn’t reading The Onion when I saw this article come across my Facebook timeline.
First off, besides the content of the article (which we’ll get to), I can almost write an entire article on the image that was included with the post.
The image is of a bunch of toy model guns, including a “Pulse Rifle”, you know a completely science fiction based firearm that doesn’t exist, even a little bit.
The image is accompanied by a caption that reads “These guns can be purchased anywhere in Georgia and carried into a church, bar, school or library.

via News Site Claims Georgia Residents Can Buy and Carry “Pulse Rifles” Under New Law.

And here is the screen capture, committed to the Eternal Interwebs:

Daily Kos guns goons georgia


At least it was not a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range. Now those are truly dangerous.

Apparently I stepped on a Sacred Cow.

My post on DDT being brought back to combat malaria pissed off a couple of people who complained over the Facebook page. I am clear that DDT is not without dangers, but as with everything in life, you have to figure out if the reward outweighs the risks.

I know there is a boatload of studies that “suggest” and “appear to link” or “seems to associate” DDT from low sperm count to Global Warming and cancer, but amazingly I am yet to see one that directly relates a specific amount of deaths or consequences to its use. which leads me to believe no true and sincere research has been made but just seeking to confirm Carson’s book rather than clear the chaff.

But the top was this comment that left me amazed for its callousness:

john comeau DDT


I am sure that the average people in the deep of Africa just have to make up their minds one day, call Century 21 in Kampala or ReMax Botswana and see what properties are available in Norway or Monaco.

Apparently Silent Spring must be defended no matter how many hundred of thousands of deaths a year it causes. And as for the poor people, fuck them for living in poor countries.


The Rebirth of DDT & The deadly consequences of Junk Science

After thirty years, DDT is back to help curb malaria and other insect-borne diseases.

We will never know how many millions (and possible tens of millions) of people died because of Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring which became a best seller and the force behind the banning and/or phasing out of DDT and the genocide that came afterwards.

There was never a true research on the consequences of DDT. Carson’s work was mostly conjectures written in a way that pushed urgency without merits.  Countries and companies rushed to produce substitute compounds that were more damaging to the environment and to humans that DDT was ever proved to be but less effective combating the mosquito.

A low ball figure gives a total of 10 million deaths for Malaria alone after DDT was substituted. Some claim at least double that. This is a stain that will never be washed from the fabric of humanity.

Rachel Carson: Junk Scientist & Mass Killer.
Rachel Carson: Junk Scientist & Mass Killer.

Gun Math…. finally somebody in their side is getting it.

You can’t have it both ways. That of course is hypocrisy, but when you know their motivations, it’s just dishonesty. They don’t care HOW many guns are owned by civilians, or the military, the only number they care about is ZERO! They want private citizens to own NO firearms. Zip, Zero. And that includes single-shot rifles, double-barreled shotguns, and guns like black powder arms, and air rifles that even the ATF doesn’t count as guns.

via Anti-Gun Hypocrites | Weer’d World.

Weer delivers a good post, but I wanted to bring the graphic into you consideration. Finally somebody in the LibProg side is good at math and realized “Holy shit! they have almost 100 times more guns than the government do!”
And the 310 million number might be a bit short. IRRC that was for three years ago so we can safely add another 30 million guns in the hands of civilians.

And with an average of 100 rounds of ammunition per gun, we could make the case that 31,000,000,000 rounds of ammo are safely in the hands of citizens.

Seriously, if we were the Insurrectionist assholes that the Opposition is trying to sell, we could take over in about 4 days and have an extended weekend of celebration.