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Waiting for the new Interwebs service company to arrive and take me out of AT&Ts DSL-like-dial-up connection .  I might get back fast, but knowing that Karma has been dating Murphy without telling anybody I won’t give assurances that it w.ill happen

In the meantime… riddle me this:

dukes a team


Go crazy in the comments 😀

Dear H. A. Goodman: I beg to differ.

You'll Never Overthrow The Government and It Isn't Scared of You


If they are not scared and our weapons make no difference, Why are they so intent on taking them away? Why list us as possible “domestic terrorists” to be kept under watch?

For the love of Baal, we just lost Iraq to a bunch of idiots after a decade of invasion, bombing, loss of our soldiers’ lives and the best money could buy in military technology….and we didn’t even like them!

Where your ideology says you should live, Technology may kill you.

Liberals like living in urban areas, within walking distance of shops and neighbors. Conservatives prefer the wide-open spaces outside the city that puts more distance between themselves and the next-closest house.

But once you’ve identified the state in which you want to live, who’s going to tell you which Zip codes are best for your ideological leanings? Leave that to the good folks at Clarity Campaign Labs.

via Where your ideology says you should live – The Washington Post.

It has some cute little app thingies in which you answer 5 questions and “BAM” it gives you the perfect location for you to live. After a couple of tries, I decided to go almost all Libtard answering the questions for Florida:

Where your ideology says you should live Florida


Miami Gardens, maybe the most bankrupt and violent zip code in all South Florida.

Holy crap, the app works!

New Jersey keeps trying to do Common Core Math with Gun Control

Via Shall Not Be Questioned we have this gorgeous article about how lawmakers and political movers will bring Gun Control via economics… which kinda explains why they are so screwed up there. They had only 2 companies bidding and not at the prices they wanted because they added political gun control crap to the bidding process.

“We’re putting the gun manufacturers on notice,” said Rabbi Joel Mosbacher of Mahwah, who has led national efforts to enlist police departments as part of his work with Metro Industrial Areas Foundation, a coalition of progressive citizen groups.

Forty percent of the guns in this country are purchased by police and the military,” he said. “The next time they purchase weapons, they are not only going to consider the technical quality but the social responsibility of the manufacturer.”

via Kelly: A step toward gun control comes in the fine print – News – NorthJersey.com.

The Rabbi may know his Talmud, but not the realities of life. US Military and LEO (fed, state & local) comprised just over 3 million people in 2012 (less now since the military is winding down operations overseas.) The latest numbers of firearms manufacturing and importation provided by the ATF were for 2011 and show a grand total of 9,794,290 guns that were manufactured that year. That is about 1/3 of the amount…. but unless The federal Government and the State & Local governments decided to buy guns every frigging year, their impact on the consumer market is pretty much zilch and that was what the NJ movers and shakers found out but still remain stupid about it.

If the gun retailer wanted to bid on the $400,000 contract, it had to answer Jersey City’s questions, including how Lawmen would dispose of used police firearms, whether it would agree not to sell certain types of high-powered weapons to civilians, and whether it requires its dealers to conduct background checks…

When Jersey City announced its new bidding process for police ammunition and firearms in December, not a single gunmaker or retailer submitted bids.

Eventually and after some begging, 2 suppliers put on bids:

Lawmen submitted a bid of $521,753 for what Jersey City hoped would be a purchase of about $400,000.

Then, Atlantic, perhaps sensing that it might lose a lucrative, reliable contract, came through — with a lower bid of $509,207.

Dear NJ: You want a special pizza, you have to pay for it. You don’t get a Little Caesar’s $5 deal because you have a pretty face.

Read the whole article if for nothing else to see how disconnected they are from reality.


CSGV: Milita is dead and how they keep beating that dead horse.

CSGV Michael Waldman

It is somewhat nice to see that Michael Bellesiles still has followers who have no problem lying for Gun Control.

a world where every white American male served in the military for his entire adult life”

Not so fast Sparky.  Not every White American served. First, the concept of conscription in Colonial/Independence times existed but it probably covered under 5% of the soldiers fighting, the rest were volunteers and yes, militia. Second, certain religious groups like the Quakers were exempted from Military service for religious reasons as it went against their teachings and Catholics were forbidden to even be armed because it was thought they were untrustworthy papists that sided with England. But even before the war, it was a voluntary thing to join the Militia rather than going active in the British Army.  The Militia was a local entity self-tasked in many occasions with the defense of the town against enemies may them be Indians or the criminal element of the time as there was no police or constabulary in the “modern” sense: they were tax collector or paper servers with literally very powers. It is not till 1823 with the creation of the Texas Rangers a true Law Enforcement establishment is created.

So the concept of Militia existed and exists to cover for the lack of presence of an organized governmental  protection service. If you frown at the word exists, let me give you an example: Natural Disaster happens in your area and people decide to come together for the defense of the neighborhood until things get back to normal? That is Militia.
you loot we shootSo the idea that the Militia is dead (“When the militia evaporated, so did the original meaning of the Second Amendment“) is nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of Gun Control Activists.

Let’s continue:

 “where those citizen soldiers bought their own military weapons and stored them at home”

I had to laugh at this one. Back then, no self-respecting gun owner would be caught with the “military weapon” of the time, the Brown Bess as it was an inaccurate musket compared with the civilian long guns of the time. And they were not “stored at home” but carried while traveling or kept handy in case of need for self-defense or hunting. What made gun earn the term “military’? The addition of a bayonet. Historical records tell us that the immense majority of volunteers & Militia men had very good weapons but did not have bayonets as they were a military affection for the battlefield which prompted the Continental Congress and  other local governments to buy bayonets for the already armed volunteers. Close combat warfare was usually done by Militia Men (once the shot was fired) via long knives and tomahawks.

If anything, the concept of Militia is alive, well and still very much valid. It is hated because it declares its lack of dependency from a central government and proves to be an efficient way to curb the maladies of evil people. It is the basic community organization and that would make us gun owners, community organizers.

And a million Lib Progs’ brains just exploded 😀