

Charges? We don’t need no stinkin’ charges!

So Soviet of Rosie O’Donnell.

I have no doubt that if her ilk could get away with it, they would drag Undesirables out of their homes and summarily execute them in the streets for crimes against their dogma.

And that is why we own guns.

The Battle of Statistics

Calls have rung out across the nation demanding gun control laws in a bid to curb violent crimes such as the recent series of mass shootings. Data, however, show that in states with higher percentages of households with at least one gun, crimes are not higher than in states with strict gun laws.
— Fox News: States with higher rate of gun ownership do not correlate with more gun murders, data show

While this particular report is very good at balancing numbers John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and author of More Guns, Less Crime points out that this report has the same failings as the anti-gun statistics. It is the problem of comparing two dissimilar locations with different CCW restrictions.

It is the same problem of comparing the UK to the US. The US is huge as compared to the UK. If you compare the UK to a single state of comparable area or comparable population you can get very different results, depending on which and where. England has a population of 56 million as of 2018, California has a population of 39 million. Comparing England to California is more reasonable than comparing England to these United States.

In addition, these United States have a much more heterogeneous mixture than many European countries. Until the recent influx of refugees most Scandinavian countries were very homogeneous. That is a statement of cultures, not of colors.

Lott’s prefered method of comparison is not to compare two different locations. It is just to easy to cherry pick to get the results you want. Instead he prefers to look at a single place as the laws change.

In addition he and most honest researchers look into controlling outside factors. Consider the situation where a state passes constitutional carry and at the same time decides on a catch and release policy for violent criminals. Or decides to release 100s of criminals from prison in order to keep them safe from a virus.

Which of those factors drives the rate of violence? Is it that there is suddenly more violent criminals on the streets? Is that there is suddenly no punishment for violent crime? Or is it that ordinary people can suddenly defend themselves?

At some point I’ll try and find the statistics on average number of crimes a violent criminal commits before they are incarcerated.

Kathy Hochul is the final boss of AWFLs

AWFL: Affluent White Female Liberal

You know exactly the type of person I’m referring to.


Of course she doesn’t know how many New York gun permit holders have committed gun crimes.

She doesn’t know and doesn’t care about the statistics from Florida and other states about how law abiding licensed concealed carry permit holders actually are.

What she has is feelings.

She feels unsafe at the idea that other people might be carrying guns around her that she doesn’t know about.

She feels unsafe with licensed gun owners carrying on the subway.

Never mind the rate of subway pushings and other homicides in the subway in the last few years.

Disregard actual dangers from criminals, junkies, and vagrants that have be released or not charged for reasons of equity, her perceived danger from a guy with a CCW permit looms large in her mind.

So she will deny you your rights.  Rights affirmed by the Supreme Court just a few days ago.

Her feelings are more important than your rights and don’t you forget it.

This is the AWFL way of life.

It was AWFLs who maintained lockdowns and masking long after they were all proven to br useless.

It was AWFLs who keep the schools closed.

It was AWFLs who rated out neighbors and businesses for being open.

It was AWFLs who lit candles to St. Fauci.

These people have no capacity for rational analysis or risk assessment.

They have privileged lives and have strong feelings about things they don’t understand and will use those feelings to crush you.

Governor Hochul maintained the lockdowns and COVID restrictions long after there was a need but she was afraid so you had to lose your rights.

Now her feelings are overruling a Supreme Court decision and will be denied the rights they acknowledged.

AWFL governor governs AWFLly.


Book Recommendation: Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry

Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders: Bugliosi, Vincent, Gentry, Curt

I believe it is still the best account of the Tate-Labianca murders. Bugliosi was the D.A. assigned to the case and shares not only many insider tips and stories but provides an amazing background on the Manson Family and Charlie himself.  I am still amazed at how close the Tate Murders came never to be solved for a sundry of reason.

If you are curious (especially the youngings) about this piece of American Murder History, give the book a chance. It is great summer reading

The incompetentocracy

This put me in a bad mood.


When I first wrote about Brinton, I was going by the media’s reporting that he was a Biden appointee in the SES.

He is not.

The President is allowed to appoint up to 10% of the SES, the rest are career employees.

In theory, the career employees are supposed to be qualified and the Presidential appointees can be whomever, hence the 10% limit for appointees.

Understand that a career SES employee is a civilian with a rank equivalent to a general officer in the DOD.

Again, I looked for his qualifications.

A BS and MS from MIT in nuclear engineering and some time in think tanks.

He has never been employed as an actual nuclear engineer at any time.

He is 33 years old and his longest job was with a LGBT rights organization.

I didn’t like him as an appointee, but that I understood.  They found someone with a nuclear engineering degree and had a unique sexual identity.  He checked the right boxes and he was in to do a sinecure as long as Biden was President.

But for him to be a career hire meant that the government actually intended to give him actual responsibility across multiple administrations in a job many people have for life.

With only the poorest of qualifications.

Seriously.  There is more published by him on how to have sex with a man in a puppy mask than nuclear energy.

This shit hits me hard.

Understand that I spent a while in the government contracting world.

I tried to get hired by the government a few times.

I was always rejected.

For some reason I was “highly qualified” but there was always someone more qualified who got the job.

I have a BS, MS, and Ph.D. in engineering.  I’m a PE in five states.  I have 10 years of engineering field experience in industry and manufacturing.  I have been published multiple times.

I’ve applied at NASA, the DOD, and to a few DOE government labs.

Rejected every time.

For the life of me I legitimately cannot fathom what qualification or skill I’m missing that I keep getting passed over to be an engineer making missiles or rockets for the government.

But this guy gets to be a deputy director of an agency.

At this point I can only come to the conclusion that my qualifications are what disqualified me.

Our government is made up of utterly incompetent people who only hire other incompetent people, that way nobody makes anyone else look bad by actually doing a good job.

At every fuck level.

Our United States assistant secretary for health bumble-fucked his states response to COVID, killing the elderly when he was Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

Buttigieg has proven to be utterly useless, which should have been evident since he came from McKinsey.

The entire Flag Officer Corps lost Afghanistan in a few weeks.

And it all makes me so angry.

I grew up on The Right Stuff and Apollo 13.

Deep in my soul engineers at NASA or Sandia are the elite of engineers.

They put men on the moon and split at atom.

I wanted to be one of them.

One of the elite.

To be rejected by them hurts so fucking much I can’t stand it.

Then I see this and I realize just how fucking broken our system is.

And I hate it.

I hate what we’ve become.

I hate that I can’t reconcile the reality of what I see with the dreams and aspirations I had and still have.

I hate it all so much.