I can’t think of a category

My allergy of Armored Trucks again on the news.

And again an armored truck is targeted but this time by the gang that did not know how to stay hidden. The one thing that called my attention was this:

Chance did something that authorities do not recommend anyone doing. “They were running so fast, I felt like I needed to try and stop them. I tried to grab them, but they were like slippery when wet,” he said. “They got away from me, but then I followed them around the corner and saw the getaway car. They fired shots at me, but I was behind the pillars.”

Chance said he saw one of the crooks with what looked like a silver, 9 mm gun pointed right at him. “Especially when I see ‘Click, click,’ he said. If he had one in the chamber, I would have been through, probably.”

Remember: you do not wear your underwear over your pants or have a cape or have journalist girlfriend.  The playing of superhero is not in our job description. I know that as good people, we all feel the need to right the wrongs of this world have but we are not Dr. Sam Beckett either. Chance had a healthy dose of Ego that did not kill him…this time.

Ego kills, kill the Ego.

Shoveling it deep and high.

Via the Maddened Fowl we have another great artistic feel-good-but-totally-useless enterprise: Palas por Pistolas (Shovels for Guns).
Mr. Reyes did his version of Gun Buy Back, collected 1,527 guns that were ” automatic, military-style weapons” (Which makes him about 500 times more effective than the ATF and the Mexican Government combined) and transformed the ugly nasty things into shovels. This shovels will more likely be used to continuing piling the bullshit regarding US guns into Mexico and digging graves for those who are dying in the local Drug Wars.

TSA Enhanced Groping & Child Molestation: Showdown.

I am afraid that the eventual arrest & trial for “assaulting” a Federal Pervert is coming. And I also see that short of people congregating around TSA headquarters and re-arranging the facade with improvised projectiles and assorted dung, the idea of this new enhanced groping will not be revisited.

In the never ending disconnect between Washington and the rest of the Nation, we are now faced with Federal-supported goons that are engaging in conducts that would earn any individual a lengthily stay in prison and an eternal felony jacket as Sexual Offender. TSA agents will probably get Christmas Bonuses.

But hey! You mustn’t protest! If you speak against this, you are anti-government, racist and probably looking to overthrow the “progressive” minds that are running our country. You must me one of them Militia types. So now shush and spread them, it is Amateur Gynecologist/Urologist Time!