This is what full adrenalin dump looks like. Any semblance of gun safety went out the window. He muzzled the other officer while racking the slide, then he shoved him out-of-the-way to make the arrest. When the vehicle fled and in such a crowded area, he started shooting without any regard for backstop.

The pitch in his voice and the way he was moving after the shooting gives us a good idea of his emotional level.

I have no more info on the video, but if nobody else got hurt, we can say luck and a boatload of guardian angels intervened.

This is possibly also a demonstration of what in South America is called “Ley De Fuga” (Law of Escape): If you run away, police is within its right to shoot you no matter what crime you have committed or if one has been committed.  You can be pretty much handcuffed and hobbling without any hope to make it 50 meters you can get shot. Let’s say that the law has been abused over and over again specially if a perp has already been arrested but does not make it to jail because “he tried to escape.”



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Chilean Carabiniero (National Police) shoots at fleeing vehicle (NSFW, Graphic)”
  1. It sounds like the killing shot was through the side window, doesn’t it? His first shot appears to be at/though the side window, an one would assume that that shot was the most likely to connect with the driver.

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