Here it is. The NRA advocates armed rebellion against the duly elected government of the United States of America. That’s treason, and it’s worthy of the firing squad.

via Christopher Swindell: Gun safety debate is B.S.  – Op-Ed Commentaries – The Charleston Gazette – West Virginia News and Sports –.

U.S. Constitution, Article 3, Treason.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

We keep seeing this misconception over and over: That the Government of the United States is the Country and not its servant. One wonders if this is done on purpose or it is just ignorance of basic Civics, but it is the toehold which some in the “intelligentsia” demand the use of force against fellow citizens because we not only oppose the misdeeds of the Administration but are aware that any group of people in power can get intoxicated by it and believe themselves superior and above all laws so we prepare for it.

Being elected to public offices does not give you unlimited immunity to do whatever they want, up and including total disregard for the Constitution. This appears to be missing from Mr. Swindell’s base of knowledge which is disgraceful because he is a professor of Journalism at Marshall University but knowing the state of our institutes of “higher” learning, it is not surprising. And, of course we extend a cordial invitation to Mr. Swindell to put his arse where his mouth is and start taking out “treasonous” NRA members before they do any more “damage” and not ask for some soldier or cop to do it for him.

Or as we say in the Gun Culture: MOLON LABE Mike Foxtrot.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “Christopher Swindell asks: Will no one rid me of this turbulent NRA?””
  1. I do not understand the reasoning here when the entire Obama administration and the US government is treasonous!!!

  2. I left this comment for the liberal asshat.

    “The NRA advocates armed rebellion against the duly elected government of the United States of America.”

    Since when? I’ve been a NRA member for years and never got the call to go to war against the Government.

    ” It’ll be an M1A Abrams tank, supported by an F22 Raptor squadron with Hellfire missiles.”

    Funny thing about all that great hardware, it need support personnel to make it go. With most of the military willing to jump ship, who’s going to fuel the tanks and planes? Who’s going to drive them? Pretty much all that would be left in the military would be a bunch of office jockeys and know nothing privates fresh out of boot camp. So there goes your plan for the military to take out us NRA members.

    “The 85 percent who support more robust background checks.”

    This is nothing but flat out liberal bullshit. If 85% of the people supported so called background checks, it would have happened. Either that or this mythical 85% don’t know how, or don’t care about learning to write their Senators. I write my Senators on a regular basis about a myriad of issues, including gun issues.

    1. ” It’ll be an M1A Abrams tank, supported by an F22 Raptor squadron with Hellfire missiles.”
      I have a one word response for that: Afghanistan.

      And I don’t wanna add the fact that the people on this side of the ocean can actually shoot.

  3. All of this is right, of course, but leaves out a really important point. The NRA is pretty much a club. The 8 or 10 million of us (don’t know the real number) joined the NRA to get the clout of coming together to form a club to represent us.

    The NRA isn’t some rogue group out of nowhere, or just representing “the gun industry” (I’ve heard that, too, as if there’s something wrong with making self-defense tools). The NRA is us. We, the people.

    Mr. Swindell, as much as he might want to, can’t just kill anyone who politically disagrees with him. Largely because we can bear arms.

    1. Kill the haters? Homicide means “Kill Man”. But God made a distinction between murder, and justifiable homicide. More accurate translations of the Bible say that the Commandment “Thou Shalt not Kill” is “Thou Shalt not Murder” It has to mean that, for in Exodus 22:2, God said, in effect, that killing a robber in the commission of his crime will bear no bloodguilt.

  4. Is it any different than Chris Rock saying Obama is our boss, like our dad, and we should do what we’re told or we’ll get spanked? The only treason afoot is that being perpetrated against America’s citizens by an out of control, power hungry, overreaching government that has forgotten its place.

  5. And, after 2016, if a Republican gets elected to the Presidential office, once again the same people now saying “treason!” or “insurrectionist!” will return to “dissent is the highest form of patriotism!”

  6. Hey Douchebag, they got to get out of those tanks at some point, we will be waiting then. Oh yeah, Hellfires aren’t used on F-22’s. Most likely, the military would disobey any orders to disarm American citizens. This clown probably never served a day in the military.

    1. You’re no doubt right, Scott. There are quite a few “Oathkeepers” in all branches of the military, and they will no doubt teach us military tactics for our guerilla war against our own treasonous government. That having been said, though, once I enjoin our own government in war, I will fight to the death, mine or theirs. I will not be taken alive to be “tried” in their kangaroo courts for treason. We must win, or die on the battlefield. I hope there are enough of us to win.

  7. Things get even more fun when you realize that the Left’s message to the military is basically “Hey you bunch of baby killing thick skulled rapist hicks, we want to cut your numbers, slander you in the media, ignore your heroic deeds, cut out potentially lifesaving new equiptment, and screw you out of your benefits when you retire… And while we’re at it, we may ask you to violate your oath to go and round up and shoot your fellow countrymen… so, we cool?”

  8. Take your liberal faggot ass and your opinions to your fearless leader Obama and both of you go fuck yourself!

  9. Take your liberal faggot ass and your opinions to your fearless leader Obama and both of you go fuck yourself!

    N I C E

  10. Bur seriously, claaed the University today and I suggeted that Christopher Swindell attend sensitivity training by being compelled to serve in the NG or Reserve in some capacity. He should break bread, and skin in a combat unit. He should be forced to go to a Veterans cemetary and ponder the sacrafice made so he can speak such vile rhetoric!

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