I watched the President Trump, Coronavirus Task Force hold press briefing yesterday and the news are scary but at the same time somewhat hopefull. You have to give it to the President, he does inject a good dose of “We can do this” to the conversation. He knows that id fatalism takes over, we are crewed seven ways from Sunday.

You can watch the whole thing, but I want to direct you to what I call the CNN Massacre. He had already had to deal with two journos, so he was primed and the CNN guy took the brunt for not realizing it. It was like a Big Leaguer take a Louisville Slugger and beat a Mexican piñata to death

The CNN massacre starts at 1:07:45 in case the video below did not cue.

That is gonna leave a mark.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “CNN: Fake News and Presidential Piñata”
    1. DItto. do I need to add another layer of foil to my hat, or did someone get the time code wrong. 😀

  1. Another interesting tidbit is where a guy from Mini Mike Pravda tries to claim that the President “threatened a quarantine”.

  2. Sweet Jeezis isn’t it great to have a president that calls these people out? No mealy mouthed waffling answer.Flat out took apart the CNN guys premise.

    You wanna be a prick? Then you deal with the worker bees and get what you get. To be honest, he’s been incredibly gracious to these blue governors. FFS, he sent a whole, totally refurbished and staffed, floating hospital to NYC. They couldn’t have built a better, sealed off, platform for corona-chan victims. Yet, they complain.

    1. Mercy and Comfort are worthless for WuFlu. What they are intended to do is take the regular hospital traffic out of the hospitals to allow them to treat the WuFlu. They only have a couple of ICUs but they are a world class trauma hospital.

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