DENVER (AP) — Legislation that would block people who are suspected of being dangerous from possessing a firearm is expected to be introduced in Colorado, setting up the next fight over gun control laws.

The bill would allow psychologists, nurses, family therapists and counselors to ask that a person’s name be entered into the national background check system, prohibiting possession of a firearm for a year.

via Colo. weighs gun ban for people who ‘pose threat’ – Yahoo! News.


This will never be abused….you know it, I know it…. They have our best interests at heart.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Colo. weighs gun ban for people who ‘pose threat’ – Yahoo! News”
  1. One cannot dictate to a armed population.

    Like the sign at a PRO-GUN rally on the news the other night read,

  2. As it is restraining orders are, which are blatantly anti-Constitutional, are ALREADY the weapon of choice during divorces.

    I’m not some “bitter guy” who has had this happen, btw, but here is is: An Ex-Parte hearing, meaning only one side shows up, makes an ALLEGATION, and another person is deprived of their home (property), their papers and possessions, and possibly their firearms.

    Now it’s on the SUBJECTIVE whim of some PC trained health professional!?

    1. A friend of mine got unfairly tagged by the Ex and he spent almost 2 years unarmed and unable to get proper clearances for jobs.
      This will probably be worse than restraining orders…

  3. So….have some doctors and nurses tag every member of the government and their security staff.

  4. “…prohibiting possession of a firearm for a year.”

    If you think the FBI will happily, quickly, and without serious arm-twisting contortions remove the name from NICS when that year is up, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

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