More and more it seems like the Left really wants a race war.  They are doing everything possible to worsen racial tensions in this country.

And to guarantee their victory in that race war, it seems like they will employ the US military.

Not kidding.

A very woke Lt Colonel, with pronouns in his bio, made it crystal clear what the role and future of the US military will be.

The military is only for the Woke, anyone who is not woke is invited to “get the fuck out.”

The military is anti-white male, which is part and parcel of being Woke.

This isn’t some chariborne public affairs or JAG officer.

This is the commander of a combined arms infantry battalion.

The man who is spewing racial animosity has the authority to order his troops to shoot you with a 120mm smoothbore cannon.

With brass like this, the military will no longer defend the Constitution but intersectional Woke values.


This officer is so Woke he wants to upend the UCMJ and elimante any established rights of the accused and the ability to be judged without bias.

This officer wants soldiers judged in racial terms.

This man, I guarantee, would execute civilians on accusation alone, based upon their skin color.

If there is any argument that civilians should be allowed to own anti-tank weapons, this is it right here.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

29 thoughts on “Combined arms in the coming race war”
  1. I think it’s WAY too soon to damn the entire Army. This one guy said stupid things — and those around him are making it public. Senior officers may be a lost cause, but there are still plenty of sane soldiers.

    1. That’s also the Wehrmacht-defense.

      There is a point at which an army ceases to be for the people and is for the government.

      It’s hard to pin down that point but history shows that if it’s to late, it gets bloody.

      1. “Ve vas chust followink orders!” Which supposedly died (as an affirmative defense) at Nuremburg three quarters of a century ago.

  2. RUMINT is that LTC Rhodes is currently under investigation for his comments towards his soldiers.

    I imagine it’ll go nowhere, but there’s a small sliver of hope that there are still some CID/OIG guys who take their oath to the constitution seriously.

    1. I can imagine the outcome of that investigation:

      “Don’t get caught saying the quiet part out loud to soldiers who will rat you out on social media.”

      It’s not what he said, it’s that what he said got made public.

  3. White people are the problem; they keep joining the military to fight for a country that hates their guts and openly states that their extermination is the only path to utopia. Seriously, if you want to strike a killing blow against the woke oligarchs stop joining the military (nuclear subs are the only true defense the country needs). They’re not going to successfully fight in their overseas adventures with a minority army. The political pressure generated by all those body bags coming back filled with bodies of color alone will be enough to rein them in. Once you take away their role as a world hegemon you deeply undercut their reason for existence. Most politically correctness, from the 64 Civil Rights act to support for open borders, stems directly from the elites desire to be world imperial leaders. After assuming the role in WW2 and the Cold War it was inevitable that their own country became just another colony to exploit, and that is what has happened.

    If all that shocks you understand that it is going to happen anyway. AOC, or someone like her, will be President and Stacey Abrams will be Secretary of Defense (someone like her already IS Secretary of Defense). Non-white America isn’t going to be interested in dying for the obscure causes the elite now favor, they’d rather pocket the money (in that they’re more sensible than the white population). So you’re only talking about bringing the inevitable forward by a few decades.

    1. “nuclear subs are the only true defense the country needs”

      How ya gonna secure the borders with those? I don’t think the Rio Grande is navigable along its whole length, let alone deep enough…

  4. I will make it a point not to use the phrase “thank you for your service” or any other similar gesture of approval or appreciation with any “military person” such as this skunk. I would urge all do to the same
    If you don’t respect the Constitution and demonstrate it by upholding your military oath, you deserve only condemnation, never respect or thanks.

  5. LOL, that was quick. His Twitter is gone.

    What a moron. His career is going to tank, if nothing else for saying the quiet part too loudly and getting caught out.

  6. OMFG….This…This… I’m at a loss. A guy like this being a Infantry Battalion Commander? This’s the last thing I would have EVER expected out of a fellow Infantryman.

    Our code is, (or maybe ‘was’ being the new operable term) “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.” We fought not for glory or the Country per se, but for each other. I never saw ANY of the guys in my unit by race, unless they theyselves were dickheads about it, ‘cos in EVERY family, you got ‘those guys’ of all colors.

    The majority of the Infantry I cme up with and served with would mark this fuckwit with a “Frag ASAP” as soon as a hot deploy came up. No way in hell would -anyone- in their right mind follow this clown in battle, never mind the latrine.

    I mean Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
    I -really hope- they’re 15-6’n this asshole. He needs to be relieved for cause and unbecoming.

    1. No doubt he deserves it. Honestly I though everyone assumed that at least half the military would be a problem if things go hot in the US.

      In any case this is why we avoided a standing army for much of our history , it will always turn on the citizenry at some point.

      Ours having no real purpose or anything to do makes it a vulnerable to infiltration. Those body bags aren’t going to come home because there is no one to fight.

      The only near peer powers are China who our government adores and Russia. We could attack Russia on flimsily grounds I suppose, probably win most battles but would be nuked.

      Most likely the elite will try to hijack the loyalty of the woke, fill the military with them and use it to keep them in power by wiping out the dissidents,

      Its not a bad plan and if the Right steadfastly refused to learn to organize or gets distracted by another Trust the Plan Psy Op like Q Anon might even work.

      If things go bad and all of us hope and pray they do not, the majority of the US population will die unless its over very fast. Just make sure its not your people.

      To what Rob asked, we have a Border Patrol to handle Border issues.

  7. Where are all those pissed off soldiers gonna go?? They will join We the People. Shit gets real are a bunch of touchy feelys gonna stand a chance??

  8. A light bird bucking for chicken is possibly one of the most egregious jackass positions in the military. Disregard of the UCMJ makes me presume this asswipe is totally cool with not being saluted.

  9. remember that west point academy asshole, Spenser Rapone, who wore a Che shirt and had ‘communism will win’ in his cover? same shit.

    1. Not to mention that general who ran roughshod over the Constitution during Katrina and was rewarded by Pelosi with heading up a committee making recommendations for how to militarize DC after the riots there.

      I’m back to my earlier comment: I’m going to be selective on who I give the honorific “thank you for your service”. Slime like this one, or Jake Auchincloss, need not apply.

  10. The long march through the institutions is finally rearing its ugly head. The subversion has been in the works in schools, government, and the military for a long while now. Guys like this will be protected, while those who warn of Marxism in the ranks (remember Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier) will be punished.

    I’m not advocating for this, but I would not be surprised to see him or those like him fragged during the “fog of war.” It’s happened to others for less.

    1. There are several of you who have been included in the Askimet spam list, no idea why. The comments are being held, so don’t worry as they will be approved.

      And which blog are you guys pissing in the comment section? 😀

  11. The new Political Officer corp … just like the Russians and PRC and Norks. Hopefully these will be the first to be fragged.

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