Yeah… that voice-mail was terrible but I seem to remember the Democrats watering down condemnation of Omar’s antisemitic tirade with a bullshit platitude about “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry” that didn’t name any names.

As for security, when a Republican’s office was attacked by an Antifa member with an axe, he got probation and his axe back.

This is infuriating.

It’s an utter shit show of awful people doing whatever they can for social media exposure.

Fuck ’em all.

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By J. Kb

21 thoughts on “Congress is just a sh*t show of awful people and hypocrisy”
  1. Sooooo…. When repubs, or off-the-reservation Dems are shot (Scalise et Al), or threatened/ harassed (Sykema), *that’s ok, because YOU, aoc, provide THEIR security?


    I smell manure.


    From aoc.

    Color me “surprised”.

  2. Read through AOC’s comments again.

    Consider them in the context of antifa/blm.

    And remember: Any accusation from a Leftist, is also a confession.

    1. Two more thoughts:

      1. RE: “violent targeting of … members of Congress” — Steve Scalise was unavailable for comment.

      2. RE: “Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) recent Islamophobic attacks on [Ilhan Omar]” — I’m going to look this up for context. Call me cynical, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Boebert mentioned Islamic terrorism and made a passing reference to how some people are willing to give it a pass.

      Y’know, the kind of statement that in its context is reasonable, but the Left likes to take out of context, blow out of proportion, and respond to as if it’s a violent physical attack.

      1. This is what Boebert said that they’re whining about….” What’s happening? I look to my left, and there she is: Ilhan Omar,” Boebert said. “And I said, well, she doesn’t have a backpack, we should be fine.”

  3. Boo fricking hoo!

    Leftists are the bigoted, thuggish, lying, self-aggrandizing racist thieves of our lives, our liberties, our freedoms, our vote, our children and our country.

  4. Ffff. I can say “false flag.” Who wants to say it with me? How often do these things turn out to be fake? Hint: most of the time.

    When someone takes an actual potshot at her with a real gun, I’ll pay attention, but until then, I really don’t give a shit if people say mean stuff to her. She’s earned every bit of it and I have no sympathy.

    1. Indeed. Why do people object to “Jihad squad”? It’s a precisely correct description of the politics she supports.

    1. Why wouldn’t they? The violent people are on their side. It’s a win-win for them.

      If the violent mob achieves its goals, the Leftist agenda is advanced.

      If the violent mob does not achieve its goals, the Leftists build political capital and release ads about all the things they intend to do to curb the violence — a message which plays well with the normies.

      I mean, sure, they have a tiger by the tail, and it will turn on them should they ever let go, but they really don’t have anything to worry about.

      It’s not like the tiger is ever going to vote Republican, amirite?

  5. I don’t recall any democrats getting shot at a baseball game, either.
    Probably because we would declare it a holiday.

  6. Maybe if Congress would stop “poking the bear” they would be treated with more respect but for now, I have nothing but contempt for those preening, clinking clanking clattering collection of caliginous junk. Those self-righteousness, nattering nabobs who would enslave our grandchildren to satisfy their greedy lust for power.

  7. I’m just following Maxine Waters advice to get in their faces and let it be known they’re not welcome here.

    Are we not supposed to do that anymore?

  8. A thought just occurred to me: Ayan Hirsi Ali should forward the threats she receives to Ilhan Omar. Just for a while.

    1. Ayaan fled from Holland after her colleague movie-maker was murdered by a terrorist. At first she moved into a victim disarmament state; I wonder if she has since corrected that mistake and acquired suitable hardware.

  9. It is so different when it is directed at them, even a tiny bit. But that is what makes their “theater” so profitable.

  10. Kkk Caucus? She really is dumber than a box of rocks.
    Well, it’s better than being in The Pe(D)o Party.

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