If you’re not going to take all the precautions seriously all the time you deserve to be shot.

Matt Walsh is right (which I hate saying because I think he’s a schmuck).

With improvements in treatment and vaccination, eventually COVID will be a seasonal problem that causes a few deaths every year, particularly in certain groups like the obese and elderly.

This is how the flu works.

That’s sad but that’s the nature of a highly communicable airborne virus.

We can choose to accept that and do our best the way we’ve done with every other virus in history.

Or we can collapse the economy for everyone who doesn’t have the privilege of working by VPN with Zoom or living off royalties to do little of nothing to halt the virus but does ruin lives, cost people their incomes, drives overdoses and harms children.

But saying that and accepting the latter truth means you deserve to get shot.

All for not wanting to engage in economic destruction and pandemic theater.

Executions of people who didn’t want to to mask or vax was a fringe Twitter rando thing a week ago.

Now it’s an independent congressional candidate position.

It will go mainstream soon enough.


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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Congressional candidate in California wants to shoot people who don’t mask and vax”
  1. Are you really posting that I, who refuses the mRNA shot (it ain’t a vaccine), should be shot? Or am I misunderstanding your verbiage?

      1. “ Matt Walsh is right “, threw me off, because he isn’t right. If he is, then it’s perfectly acceptable to start seriously thinning the fascists herd of cretins.

        1. Are you perhaps confusing Walsh with Cox; the congressman who is advocating killing those who won’t get jabbed?

  2. The Twitter echo chamber requires ever more extreme positions in order to stand out. That idiots go this far is about as surprising as the sun coming up every morning.

  3. Coronaviridae already was a seasonal problem that causes a few deaths every year, particularly in certain groups like the obese and elderly.

    Coronaviridae is a Family of viruses, the majority of which are minor ailments lumped together under the label “common cold.” Others are more serious, like the Middle East respiratory syndrome–related coronavirus (“MERS”), Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type one (“SARS”), and Severe acute respiratory syndrome type two (especially the strain that had an outbreak in 2019, aka, SARS-CoV-2 ‘19, aka Covid ‘19).

    The only real difference between SARS-Cov-2 and the rest of the family is how fucking panicked the government and the press want us to be.

  4. There is a pandemic every year. It is called the seasonal flu. Or the common cold. Or….whatever…. Deal with it.

    I have refused to get a flu shot my entire life, and barring a medical condition that makes it a good idea, I will continue to refuse the seasonal flu shot. Should I get executed? If I am to understand Cox, I should because my refusal to get the flu shot is endangering others.

    Oh… wait. Didn’t Obama endanger others with his birthday bash?

  5. I was saying the left wants to kill unvaccinated people pretty much as soon as they became easily available. Don’t be fooled, the mandated extermination of every single solitary United States citizen that refuses to be vaccinated is now official democrat party policy. They just won’t talk about it yet. Just like the official democrat party policy that every single solitary trump voter should be rounded up and exterminated as well as every single gun owner, person in a home with guns along with the entire population of the United stares that opposes the extermination of those. Even if it means killing all human life on the country except themselves.

    It sounds insane but these people are just letting there anger get the best of them and telling us what the actual plans are slip.

    1. They have been calling for the complete and total ban of private gun ownership and the mandated door to door confiscation of all firearms and the execution and extermination of every single solitary United stares citizen who owns guns since as far as I can tell 2012 at least. Probably longer.

      The goal of communism: the total extermination of the entire population of the country it is implemented in NEVER changes. Only nowadays the body count is not millions or tens of millions but hundred of millions and globally multiple billions.

  6. “With improvements in treatment and vaccination” … or without. Eventually (absent updates from the gene hackers), the virus will evolve into yet another nuisance virus. Apparently this may be what happened to the Russian Flu.

  7. I generally like Matt Walsh and think he’s a pretty smart guy. I just can’t read his essays. He has a habit of saying in 1,000 words what I feel could be said in 50-75, 100 tops. I get wanting to thoroughly explain one’s thoughts — you have read some of my comments here, yes? 😉 — but IMHO every single one of Matt’s needs a “TL;DR” version.

    EN2 SS: What in Matt Walsh’s tweet above was wrong? Asking seriously.

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