I need to stop checking in with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter.  It is a cornucopia of bad ideas.

Her latest: why she should get paid more for being useless.

See, the reason they are greedy grifters who figure out how to turn public service into a money tree is that we don’t pay them enough to be fucking worthless out of our tax dollars.

A salary of $174,000 per year plus pension is practically minimum wage, which is why they turn to glad-handing, sinecures, and graft as soon as they possibly can.

The ONLY thing Congress is any good at is lining their own pockets at taxpayer expense.

Personally, I think we should do away with the Congressional salary.  Make it a per diem for every day that Congress is in session.

What is clear is that she is the archetypical socialist.  She is absolutely useless but believes that she deserves a raise from public money.

Somebody else called her out on her bullshit and she doubled down on the stupid.

And now you understand how Toyota, Mazda, BMW, and Mercedes can make cars in the USA and Chevy and Ford have to make them in Mexico.  Because the UAW voted themselves raises and benefits disproportionate to what the business could handle.

I can’t tell you how many stories I have read of small business or coops that have tried this model just to find out that then the low skill employees vote themselves $20 per hour wages and 30 hour work weeks, the company ends up folding and going under a few months later.

The reason Congress can vote itself a raise is that it comes from taxpayers, and if we don’t pay our taxes, the IRS takes us to prison.  They have a guaranteed source of income.

When the local coop sells bananas at ten times market rate because the part-time banana stocker voted himself “a living wage,” they can’t force you to shop there.

But what do I know, I was radicalized into the alt-right by Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Congresswoman Alexandria Wrongway-Peachfuzz screws up again on Twitter”
  1. What I would like (I think this takes a Constitutional amendment, unfortunately) is having the salary for a member of Congress remain fixed to whatever it was when he was first elected. So you can be re-elected for 30 years, but if so, your salary remains what it was 30 years ago.
    That would (a) help deter staying around so long, and (b) help create a self-interest that inflation is bad and should be avoided.
    (Maybe that would even help eliminate the insanity perpetrated by modern “economists” that “2 percent inflation is optimal”, something that would send real economists like Ludwig von Mises spinning in their graves.)

  2. Hmm. Maybe a per-diem for every day they’re not in session. Nothing when in session.

  3. Yes, we are forcing the poor congresscritters to take bribes and play fast and loose with taxpayer funds.

  4. When someone is elected, give them a million dollars on the day they leave.

    And they get two terms at the most – if they get the second term, they get a second million.

    And the stick, to that carrot, is a gallows behind the capital for use in event of discovery of corruption.

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