By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Courtroom sketch of the Rittenhouse Trial”
  1. Flaming cow patties, in every direction, and each witness is bringing in a fresh Molotov cocktail to throw on the flames. ROFLMAO

  2. But the Prosecutor is not dropping the case. I am pretty sure that the intent here is to terrify anyone else who might consider defending himself or his business from the Democratis Storm Troopers. Rittenhouse has outside support and is pretty small potatoes. The intent is to make it clear that they will drive any normal person to desolation if they dare resist. They almost certainly have waivered all the witnesses against further prosecution. Even if the Prosecutor is a total screw-up, they will drive you to poverty and desolation when your turn comes. “The Process is the Punishment”.

    Most likely, the Feds will bat second if needed with some farcical charge of “terrorism” or “Riot” or blocking a mostly peaceful “protest”. Conviction is not the goal, poverty and desolation is the goal.

    1. “But the Prosecutor is not dropping the case. I am pretty sure that the intent here is to terrify anyone else who might consider defending himself or his business from the Democratis Storm Troopers”

      Even the dumbest Liberal Democrat apparatchik realizes that gun confiscation is impossible. But making Self Defense illegal or punishable however is very much achievable and accomplishes the same result.

    2. The solution there is to make it overly expensive to be prosecuted.

      I leave it to the posters here to decide how that might be achieved.

        1. I don’t exactly hold much hope on that one.

          But I have been wrong before. Maybe I’ll be wrong again.

  3. It doesn’t really matter how bad it is because Rittenhouse will be found guilty on all charges. After all the jurors have already been threatened that if they don’t find him guilty on all charges they will kill them and their families or at least destroy their lives entirely.

    The day is coming where the left can literally murder large numbers of people and have video evidence of them breaking into peoples homes and killing the people that live in those homes and get away with it and if you even try to defend yourself from being murdered by you go to court. Because it will be illegal to defend yourself from being murdered by leftist mobs.

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