Look at this old bag of a librarian hiding behind a mask and gloves, in her plexiglass fortification,trying to force a mask on a child with tongs.

This woman is a Covidian, scared of the air and a small child.  Presumably because she is fat and old and of the demographic most susceptible to COVID.

This is tyranny of the weak.

If you are old and scared of the air you can fuck right off into mandatory retirement.

We don’t need your milquetoast paranoia forcing the rest of us to act like lepers.

If you’re old and fear the air, rather than let you destroy a child to salve yourself, we just put you on a ice floe where you can be socially isolated to your heart’s content.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “COVID has made a strong argument for mandatory retirement”
  1. Comment on new site format:. On a tablet the sidebar now takes up the right 1/3 of the screen when one clicks on an article. Makes it harder to read.

    1. No, they moved: they sit just below the article, above the black rectangles labeled “related post” [sic]. Also, the links are in the wrong order: previous is now on the right, next on the left. British designer? 🙂

  2. Yes we heard it before, but Im gonna say it- where was all the fear during the last 3 “ pandemics”???? Swin flu, bird flu, eF’inbola??? Time to get on with life. Time to stand up to the lunatics.

  3. Okeechobee library has a sign which says masks are” strongly recommended” and all the staff wear masks. Less than half the patrons wear face coverings and I’ve never heard the staff say anything. Oh, they do take your temp at the door with an automated device which looks like a cell phone. I’m guessing Okeechobee runs a lot more conservative than palm beach.

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