I swear I can’t take a couple of days off without people going full retard.

Despite the relentless attacks, those who share Sincic’s perspective haven’t exactly rushed to her defense. In fact, one of the country’s leading gun control advocacy groups on Tuesday all-but threw her under the bus, suggesting that she may have been hired by right wing activists to stir controversy and anger.

“I smell a rat here,” Ladd Everitt, a spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, told Vocativ on Tuesday. “To me, this reeks of something that’s been planted.”

“It’s shocking how this suddenly went viral on right wing media when no one in our movement is promoting this video,” Everitt continued. “I’m actively questioning who this woman is. And I’d like to know who paid for this and why.”

via Creator of Controversial Gun Violence PSA Defends Herself.

Are we going to have a plane spray Thorazine over the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence HQ? Yes Ladd, your side is that stupid. Hell, haven’t you been checking your Facebook Page lately? Or was it because maybe in your legal department called and told you “Hey, this video is totally screwy and anybody following it will end up wearing orange rompers and having a fierce introduction to alternative sexual modes of intercourse” that you decided to change your original support for Ms. Sincic’s Public Service Ad ?

CSGV Rejina Sincic


That’s it…see you guys Monday. I need a break from the Year’s End insanity.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “CSGV alleges PSA video of kid taking gun to school is a gun nut conspiracy.”
    1. Hah. Well said.

      What we need is for someone to track down the original source of the video and its funding. Maybe Anonymous will get interested and do some digging…;)

  1. “It’s shocking how this suddenly went viral on right wing media when no one in our movement is promoting this video,” Everitt continued.

    Well, there’s the problem.

    He actually thinks that the gun control videos go viral when THEY promote them……hmmmm…

    I can’t think of ONE that did that. Only when we gunnies promote them as objects of ridicule.

    And as one that has been promoting the heck out of that video….thanks, Ladd.

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