The Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is asking their Facebook members to drum up support for their page. They want to reach 5,000 likes…which they would have if they stop banning people that post a dissenting thought.

In the meantime, back at Insurrectionist HQ also known as the NRA:

I read somewhere that if NRA members were as violent as CSGV and the rest portray us, there wouldn’t be any of them left.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “CSGV is recruiting… sort of.”
  1. I was one of among many who actually passed around and shared a screen cap of Spock and Capt Kirk from the original Star Trek series that said much the same thing. 🙂

  2. I noticed this morning that their up to 4,147.

    Should we get a betting pool going on when they will actually get 5,000 ‘like’s?

    I say by end of the year, if they’re lucky, they’ll have 4,500

  3. There are people I follow on FB that don’t own a business and are not protesting anything, just folks with a gun page and they have over 5000 likes. I am nobody at all and I have 650. I am guessing and this is just a guess here, they don’t have 5000 people who support their “cause”. Maybe they could make up fake Fb profiles and tell people when they like their page they also can claim their made up profile. For it to really work and become a booming billion dollar FB enterprise though, they will need to insult everyone and, oh wait they tried that…never mind.

  4. Between Feb 24 of this post and now, Feb 29, the NRA Facebook page has increased by 20,000 likes. CSGV has increased by less than 40. Do not ever let them get you discouraged, that is their goal and is their best means of advancement. We have the numbers, but they have the media and will use it to break morale. Bitch slap anyone that tells you they have already won. We are winning, believe it.

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