My first thought was “Are we really that powerful that with a Department of Justice controlled by notoriously anti-gunner and possible gun trafficker to the Cartels Eric Holder, we are able to somehow to influence the FBI and the crime stats they produce every year into showing a decrease of violent crimes?”

Then again in a very roundabout way, they are admitting that the crime rate is indeed dropping, but it has to be because somebody (we) is fudging the numbers and not because obvious reasons. It is like elections: If they win, it was a clean election; if they lose, it was fraud and not an expression of the voters.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “CSGV Laddite of the day: Brad Baranet.”
  1. There’s a regular commenter on Huffpo by the name of ‘Dreamweaver’ who stated that the NRA forced the FBI to skew crime statistics. I pushed her for evidence for about 2 months and she finally linked to some gov’t reports w/ no connection to eachother at all. It was all contrived in her mind. Very similar to Joan Peterson.

  2. “this can’t possibly end well”–he left out the rest of the thought–“for us, when our blood in the streets predictions are wrong, as usual”

  3. Can you please see why the images of your posts don’t work in your RSS feed? If this is intentional that is fine, but I can’t visit your site at work and the stuff you post is hilarious so I would like to be able to view it in my feeds.


  4. Even in the old west they had to check their guns at the door? Odd I don’t remember reading anywhere that, that was universal across the states and territories.

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