If Idaho teachers are so dumb that they cannot access a computer and search for the Idaho Statutes, not only they shouldn’t be allowed near a gun but fired for incompetents incompetence.

But since apparently teachers are having gladiator fights in their lounge (at least according to the Miami Herald) and may be too busy to actually do any reasearch, so I give you Title 18, Chapter 40 of the Idaho Statutes regarding Justifiable Homicide. I’ll leave the rest as homework.

And Just could not finish without sharing some of the comments:

Linda Rodimon I am serious..did someone spray an idiot bug around? i am already a bit depressed, and feel lost in this crazy country that, as a kid, i was taught
From the average comments of the followers of CSGV, I would answer YES!)

Joel Mielke Shoot first, pop quiz later.
First time somebody says that Joel! Good work! (not)

Terri Brimm I’d like to know where the line will be drawn on this one. Can the professor shoot a student that is sleeping or texting in class? How about the ones who arrive late and disrupt the lecture? Can the professor shoot both the lazy student and the mom who is constantly calling to ask for extensions for their child (I know a few college professors and this is a huge complaint amongst them! It’s college folks, let your kiddo grow up and take responsibility for their actions)? We are devolving into Somalia.
Somebody needs to increase her anti-depressant meds

Java Winters Out-of-context. The prof was being snarky and making a point.
You are gonna confuse them with facts, don’t.

Bradley Stabler After they ask the same question, the answer to which is clearly indicated on the syllabus of which they have both paper and electronic copies, for the third time.

Deborah Prust Adams Brilliantly sarcastic letter to the editor. With your graphic, I’m afraid people may think this question is serious. So many won’t read any further.
I am amazed they can read at all

Mark Manchak How awful. Soon Idaho will experience the same types of bloodbaths we’ve seen on Utah and Colorado campuses since they permitted permit-holders to carry on campus.
Troll Alert… and well-played Mark. Pity your post will be deleted soon.

Linda Rodimon I was rambling…well you get how i feel and how sick I think things are..
you are par for the course dear, don’t fret.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “CSGV, lemme Google that for you.”
  1. I still maintain that the wording initially used suggests the teacher in question is looking forward to shooting students, and as such should not be a teacher.

    Do these people seriously think that anything short of “Immediate risk of your own life or the lives of others” constitutes acceptable criteria for opening fire upon another person?

  2. To answer the question in the graphic…if the guy coming through the door has a drawn weapon and a reasonable person (clearly not this idiot professor) would surmise that he intended to do harm with it, he may shoot then.

    That should be good enough for any clear thinking people (this would tend to exclude posters at the CSGV site based on their comments).

  3. who are we kidding, a great MANY teachers on all levels shouldn’t be teaching and a great many administrators should give up and do something more suited to their lack of skills…as garbage men.

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