Yep, the same Michael Bannerman that wanted to go all MMA on a citizen legally carrying openly.
I do apologize for the whole ugliness. Mind Bleach available upon request.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Yep, the same Michael Bannerman that wanted to go all MMA on a citizen legally carrying openly.
I do apologize for the whole ugliness. Mind Bleach available upon request.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Time to fantasize about good old Debbie W-S………. 🙂
Oh God…. DUDE!
Uh yea I don’t see him tackling anyone LOL
It’ll take about this much:
On the other hand, anyone willing to go out dressed like that HAS to be tough…..
or really, really stupid.
I mean, really. Its not the kilt. He IS wearing a kilt, right? Because that’s the ONLY reason to wear shoes like that. Its the pastel old lady coat.
Now that I see him, I am changing my impression to “threat level zero”. It might be hard to prove SD, even if he tries to grab your gun given his pathetic form.
Where does this guy live? It can’t be NYC if there is OC. But DAMN! That coat, I thought only New Yawkers were that gay!
You should see old Laci in his bermuda shorts!
I’m amazed a lawyer as dumb as him isn’t running for public office!
I’m stupefied and at a complete loss for words.
My liberal, kilt wearing boss would beat him and tell him to get that stupid jacket off. A kilt must be seen and worn with pride.
I wonder if those brogues are a US size 12, they’d look great with my kilt and great scottish beard.
Now that I look at it, at first glance he looks like he’s a streaker…mind bleach needed.
Anyone who would put together such an ensemble and wear it in public hast to be Gotham Villain kind of crazy.
Bawney Fwank, Bawney Fwank, Where ahhh you?
Trollin’…..Trollin’….Trollin by the river….
If I could, I would gouge out my mind’s eye after looking at that picture.