So vaccination in New York is going slow because of Cuomo’s restrictions.

So he’s going to bottleneck the distribution by stopping slow hospitals from delivering vaccine and will hold a hearing on this crisis next week.

It seems like Cuomo’s intent is to cause as many people as possible to not get vaccinated and die.

There is no way that everything he’s done,  from mandating the elderly with COVID be put in nursing homes, to threatening to fine clinics for not following protocol causing vaccines to be thrown away, to closing hospitals that can’t vaccinate at an arbitrary rate, is simply ignorant.  This has to be malicious.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Cuomo needs to be tried for crimes against humanity”
  1. Cuomo is a communist masquerading as a moderate. I’ll never forget his trip to Cuba and the revolting photos of him donning his hideous grin with Raul Castro, his hero. So yes, it’s almost certainly malicious, as was Cuomo’s insistence that Covid patients be packed into nursing homes instead of sent to the waiting USS Comfort that Trump had ordered to New York. It speaks volumes about the Democrat party and it’s constituency that this ghoulish bottom feeder is venerated and respected. Democrat has become a euphemism for communist, and communists hate life and the living.

    Ok, end rant.

    1. I figure the nursing home order was intended to reduce pension and health care costs. The reports that there were objections to it for the obvious reasons, but it went ahead anyway, supports that in my mind.

  2. So a hospital, or other provider has to verify that the person requesting a vaccine is in an eligible group or face a $1 million fine. That will takes some time. The hospital then gets denied the ability to dispense vaccines, because they’re too slow.

    “That’s some catch that catch 22.”

    “The best there is.” said Doc.

  3. Remember — Michael Obama’s sinecure role at a Chicago hospital was to discourage low-income people from seeking treatment at that hospital.

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