Yup, I want to see a version of Live PD called Live Social Worker (or Live SJW) and dealing with calls like this:

Jacksonville, Florida — On Saturday, 04-11-2020, a 911 call received stated the complainant, wanted to be “Baker Acted” to get her medication. She said she did not want to harm herself, she merely wanted her medication. She would not. answer questions and hung up. Officer T.N. Sweeney and Officer E.A. Mcchling, were originally assigned the Mentally ill Person call, however, Officer Mcchling was cancelled and Officer K.R. Oren, was dispatched with Officer Sweeney. The dispatcher’s notes on the call said an unverified 9-1-1 call at this location and no answer on call hack of two (2) attempts. Officer Sweeney and Officer Oren arrived. Officer Sweeney checked hack from the call. Another 911 call was received from Leah Baker, in reference to her medications being stolen by her roommate. Ten minutes later, Officer Mcchling asked HQ to be assigned that Dispute call at Golfair Boulevard, which was holding. The dispatcher’s notes on the call said the disturbance was between the complainant (Leah Baker) and her roommate, in reference to her medications being stolen. At 17:13, Officer Mcchling arrived. She parked in front. of the residence, exiled her patrol vehicle, walked up to the residence, and knocked on the front door.

From the get-go, this was a call about a person having mental issues. This is the example they always give you why we need to defund the police and invest more in caring loving bureaucrats that will de-escalate situations and bring the patient in without violence.

Reality is a bitch and then she stabs you.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Defund the Police and send Social Workers. (Yea Right)”
  1. I worked in an inpatient crisis intervention center in a former life. One night shift, a nut job took over a local police station. They finally got him chilled out and brought him in. I was on deck for the admission. This was a big nutso guy. I am not. They got him through ER to me. He’s mellow as a kitty cat by the time he gets to me. I’m like damn, dodged a bullet. Two nights later I’m off work and the guy goes unhinged. Cold clocks a male nurse and rams a wooden bed pedestal through the nurses station. Send a social worker. Genius.

  2. This is the fault of capitalism and patriarchy. Find the evil businessMAN who sold her the knife and read him a sternly worded letter!

  3. couple of points
    1,Again a knife to a gun fight is not a losing proposition
    2, Suspect took multiple shots, and was still not out of the fight. But sure, just aim for the leg.

  4. Did you hear the sound of the air coming out of the patrol car’s tire? Make sure of your backstop if you have to take the shot, if it is safe to do so. Think about what tactics you will use in a defense situation to place yourself so that you are faced with an attacker that has a good backstop behind them, if at all possible. You really don’t want accidentally shooting a child that was behind your attacker on your conscience, if you can avoid it.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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