All the COVID hot spots are Blue.

It’s not Trump supporters who are infected.

Its Trump supporters and other Republicans who are wondering why we are being shut down because New York City is having a hard time.

But never mind the details, this Lefty has a solution.  Put us all in concentration camps.  That’s always the Leftists’ solution.  It doesn’t matter what the real problem is, imprison or execute the undesirables is always step one.

Just wait until this goes from being some rando’s Tweet to Democrat governor policy for dealing with reopen protesters.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Daily reminder of how much they hate you”
  1. And THAT right there is why I will NEVER give up my firearms. Too bad the one squawking would never be on an entry team.

  2. “Just wait until this goes from being some rando’s Tweet to Democrat governor policy for dealing with reopen protesters”

    In the words of that Immortal Philosopher, and All Around Sage, Borat, “Spicy time is coming!”

  3. You arguing with a bot, homie… That ish ain real. AIgenerated script dedicated to raising your blood pressure.

  4. Had a bit of a re-open protest in my city on Wed. About five cars drove around City Hall with signs and flags. The Mayor responded by stating he is not going to be bullied.

    My mayor is an idiot who is more interested in serving the wants of the homeless than providing the needs of the taxpayers, and I cannot wait for him to be tossed out of office.

  5. “Put us all in concentration camps. That’s always the Leftists’ solution.”

    Keep pushing, leftards. You ain’t going to like what happens when the switch is finally thrown.

    1. Pushing the implementation of plans without any consideration of cost,or history, or human nature, or the laws of physics, or unexpected consequences, or unforeseen problems, or the weather, or the correlation of forces, or logistics, or science, or pretty much anything other than “that’s what I feel is best” is something Leftist are actually good at.

      AOC’s dingbat insistence on growing cassavas in New York is not that far removed from Mao’s Great Leap Forward, except she doesn’t have the power to make people play along. At least not yet.

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