This just from the Daily Presidential Press Conference:

Click to enlarge

The Half-Life of Wuhan V. on a Non-Porous Surface at 90 degrees and 80% humidity is pretty much a commercial break. And aerosol ain’t doing any better.

Also, 30 seconds of alcohol will kill that sucker deader than crap. Happy to see that some Old School stuff is still valid. The missus and I have our little spray bottles with alcohol and spray whatever we don’t like.

Just the same, still do the glove and mask thing. It is always a fight of percentages and the more barriers you add, the better.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Wuhan Virus is screwed in Florida”
  1. I give it another two weeks in Alabama before the sun moves into position about 50 feet from the back of your neck.

  2. Virus life expectancies, with environmental conditions stated? Unthinkable! I’d been seeing numbers for various surfaces, but (1) they were all over the place, from a couple of hours to several days, and (2) they were never accompanied by the slightest suggestion of test conditions beyond the type of surface.
    Guess I should put a temperature-and-humidity dingus out in the Receiving department (which is to say, the garage).
    Also… aerosol lifetime? Seems like the significance of that kinda depends on how the air is moving, doesn’t it? In warm, dry, dark conditions with the slightest breeze, one viral half-life later the pestilent cloud will be a mile or more downwind, won’t it? And, most likely, widely dispersed, if it’s outdoors? (Which would explain how vast numbers of people could get very low-level exposure, I guess.)

  3. Assuming that’s accurate, that’s the first actual good news I’ve seen on this since it exploded on us.
    It would also mean the among first things that should be opened are parks and outdoor recreation areas. The bathrooms there, and indoor air-conditioned areas, not so much.

    it took two months for them to figure this out?

  4. Anyone seen a link to the actual study? That screenshot of a slide at a press conference is the most informative thing I’ve seen so far.
    Also, ‘twould be most helpful to have data on some extreme conditions… like paper at 200°F and very low humidity, which is what I’ve been using on incoming newspapers and mail. (Preheat oven to 225, turn off, insert pan of papers, let it bake for 15 minutes, or more, roughly according to the amount of paper, as the temperature in the oven coasts down.)

  5. Disney’s still fucked, because the interior of air-conditioned dark rides, are, well, dark and cool. The boat rides might be OK with extra chlorine, but Space Mountain?

  6. Nah. Decon a ride once. After that, you’d have to introduce it to have it there.
    Masks and gloves reduces things until this burns itself out. Can’t give it away, can’t catch it, unless you’re licking the handrails.

    If…IF…we’d had testing to weed out asymptomatic carriers in the first place, this could have been solved with one seven-day lockdown, everywhere, and then wiping everything off once. But we didn’t have the testing to find out who the Typhoid Marys are.

    That’s who’s been driving this outbreak since Day One.

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