By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Dangerous Faggot with inconvenient truths.”
  1. Just watched that right on Twitter.

    They wouldn’t let him say it under police guard, so he said it without. Milo’s got more balls than every male Democrat on earth combined.

    1. Hate to have to say this, Clockwork, but any value for balls where b >= 0.0001 exceeds the balls in the possession of Democrats, male or female. Milo definitely counts, and the guy speaking thereafter definitely speaks truth just the same.

      This speech is much truth. I don’t agree with a lot of the overreach of the LGBLTQ community, but they are being targeted for extermination by Islamofascists. And eventually the rest of us will be targeted for extermination for (INSERT REASON HERE). Stay alert, people, it may save your ass or other asses in a SHTF incident.

    1. Apparently, Twitter’s biggest investor is a Saudi. I know they don’t get any of my money. Listen again to what he has to say about twitter. In my opinion, one should completely avoid any social media whatsoever. The guys who run those things have an agenda, and it ain’t our agenda.

      1. Twitter knows they’re on the rocks already. Their stock has been declining, but it dropped like a rock when they un-verified him, and they probably realized it’d do the same if they kept him suspended.

  2. Mr. Milo, I may not agree with you, but that disagreement does not extend to supporting you being slaughtered. You, sir, are right. When you must, shoot back! I hope you enjoy your visit here, in safety.

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