Effective midnight, those of us in Colorado are officially behind enemy lines. Yes, we are fighting back on many fronts, and I do honestly believe we will take our state back from Bloomberg. But for now, the chair is against the wall.
To all the people in Colorado: We stand behind you.
Forget Colorado. What the heck is going on in Florida? Marion Hammer and Rick Scott collaborating on bill that further restricts our 2nd Amendment rights?
Those of us who actually live in Colorado are a bit more concerned about what’s happening here.
Besides which, the Leftist gun control bills that were pushed through are turning into an unmitigated DISASTER. They wanted to make Colorado into a test subject and an example. We can show them just how right they were: a test subject for a terrible plan, and an example of just how badly their oppression will explode in their faces.
We’ve got two recall elections in the works already. I’d like to see every single Democrat in Colorado’s government recalled and kicked out.
Even better if we could even secede from the US and have the Democrat former politicians exiled, but that’s pie in the sky.
“Your sentence is to live in a Liberal utopia. You have one week to choose Chicago or Detroit.”
That was a load of BS that came out from an alleged pro gun group in Colorado of all places.
Info here:
The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall.